Trump as the Sun President, and his American renaissance

Like Louis XIV, the Sun King, President Trump XXXXVII  [or Trump II] wants to bring his nation's "elites" to heel.

On July 13, 2024, Manifest Destiny having clearly been designated the path to follow, we saw the billionaires of Silicon Valley, banks, and big companies, enemies and felons the day before, turn towards a Trump triumphant.

After Nov. 5, these magnates of high tech, banks and multinationals lined up at Mar-a-Lago figuratively to kiss his ring and offer him tribute, including millions of dollars in inaugurational costs, in order to place themselves under his protection, the woke DEI and ESG directives having proven ruinous to them.

After all, they faced billions in fines demanded by the EU and other supranational organizations, which could bring down their respective empires.

Trump knew what to expect from the loyalty of these billionaires (how can we forget the $400 million given by Mark Zuckerberg for the steal of the 2020 election?) but his calculation is that it is better to put everything that is "big" under his control.

To make it clear that he is not abandoning his MAGA base and his Western populist supporters, the Sun President did not provide a stool for his friend Nigel Farage who found himself in the henhouse in the rotunda of the Capitol during the inauguration, while the notoriously false friend Boris Johnson, admittedly a former prime minister of the U.K., had been given a seat on the floor.

Let me explain this, since I am in Europe where this is common news: Farage has annoyed people, such as Elon Musk, for good reason in his reluctance to take an aggressive stance around the U.K. scandal of Pakistani rape gangs targeting British schoolgirls. Musk has said Farage's movement needs another leader because Farage is not making this an issue. Trump not giving Farage an honored place at the inauguration was a way of making it clear that it is not admissible to distance oneself politically from this, and with Farage's contempt for Tommy Robinson, a jailed British dissident who brought the scandal to the fore. Robinson has neither killed, nor stole, nor raped but finds himself a political prisoner for having protested, hated by the blob (the swamp) and other British elites.

On Jan. 20, in an impeccable inauguration speech, Trump drew up, in 30 rich and blissful minutes, the apocalyptic assessment of the American ultra-left and its ex-presidents, seated a few meters behind him, who were forced to listen to some basic hard truths without flinching.

Subsequently, he succinctly listed his list of priorities and the executive decrees ready to sign by which he would reverse all their criminal or stupid policies and stop the "decline of the country" to "restore common sense" and begin "a new golden age" (the precedent being the America of Eisenhower, the president of his childhood).

People came from all four corners of the country to witness the decrees that he began signing that very afternoon at the Capital One Arena in front of We, the People.

The Pennsylvania Avenue parade was cancelled because of the bitter cold, but Trump compensated with this unprecedented spectacle of democracy, accentuating the historic character of ceremonies spread over four days.

Let us note that Trump is renewing ties with the Founders and the great American presidents: Presidents Monroe (whose doctrine he intends to revive), Jackson (the populist slayer of the arrogant elites of his time and creator of the Spoils System, abolished in 1883 but which Trump wants to reinstate with his Schedule F program), Polk with his expansionist vision, and especially William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt who made America a world industrial and naval power and enriched the country with money from customs duties, without collecting income taxes.

This is Trump's real America First, which has nothing in common, except the name, with the fearful and stunted isolationist doctrine of 1940.

From a more recent past, Trump has just canceled the worst measures of the socialist-progressive presidents, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, who made the Civil Law of 1964 this "parallel constitution" which Christopher Caldwell denounces (The Age of Entitlement, 2020) as it destroys the real Constitution and allows the multiplication of false social rights along with a state of permanent lawlessness. And of course, he cancelled out the worst of the worst from Joe Biden.

But far from being backward-looking, Trump is now a futuristic president.

Echoing JFK announcing in January 1961 that he wanted to "send an astronaut to the moon and bring him back alive," Trump is already working on the conquest of Mars with the collaboration of Musk and big philanthropy.

There is no question of America being left behind in innovation and new technologies. This is why Trump wants to have the digital giants and scientific geniuses with humanist America rather than in the service of foreign evil powers and it is why he introduced into his family clan the most brilliant of them all, the incredible Elon Musk who, despite his slightly worrying mad-scientist side, has shown an authentically humanitarian fiber in his use of Starlink over the past few years.

How long will Elon maintain his "uncle status" (a sagacious assessment of Kai Trump, the eldest of the Trump grandchildren)? Trump is watching and knows he is capable of subduing his court.

On Jan. 23, by video conference from the White House and after signing more than 200 decrees, it was to the "elites" of the transnational left gathered in Davos that Trump addressed himself. To the banks that de-bank conservatives and refuse conservative investments: "What you are doing is very wrong!" To these self-proclaimed Masters of the World and to the European leaders and unelected leaders of international organizations, all these globalist neo-Marxists who want the end of sovereign nations, Trump said that he would withdraw from all their tricks and entanglements and would impose customs duties on them for which he has just created (in parallel with DOGE at the Interior, Musk's undersecretariat for efficiency and the hunt for waste) an ERS or an External Tax Revenue Service, because "you are the first to take advantage of America and impose trade deficits on us. Your customs duties and VATs are disguised taxes."

For the same reasons of shameless waste, he will let them continue, but without the U.S.

Development aid will be left on its own, all these billions of foreign currency that all Western countries regularly pay to so-called developing countries but which only enrich private accounts in Switzerland.

And they should no longer count on America to fuel their Green Transition, which he calls the New Green Scam, or go along with their insane invocations of sex or race.

Trump is triggering a rollback in all these areas and it's being felt as much abroad as it is domestically.

Thus, he cancels the culture of cancellation by debunking woke idols and giving back their places to the true glories and worthies of the nation.

America is back, with a real president who rebukes the failed elites and offers to help their countries get back on the right path. We are witnessing an American Renaissance, economic, civilizational and spiritual.

By chasing away European satraps such as Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Stolz, and the many Ursula Von der Leyen-types, it could also be a renaissance of the West.

Meanwhile, Trump seems to be devoting his fabulous energy to writing a happy ending to the Culture War.

Evelyne Joslain is an author whose most recent book, The Culture War, Presses de la Délivrance 2024. [Hyperlein Amazon], is now being translated into English.

Image: Pixabay, via Picryl // CCO 1.0 public domain

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