Musk is the last best hope for Europe’s survival

Elon Musk is the last hope for European citizens. Europe’s nations teeter on the brink of socialist autocracy, even as they accuse Musk of being an existential threat to “democracy” in Europe.

Across Europe, increasingly totalitarian European governments are desperate to destroy Musk, whom they say (echoing Democrats at home) threatens democracy:

Orwell must be spinning in his grave at this perversion of reality.

All that Musk is doing is allowing the people of Europe to access information and opinions, as well as to talk amongst themselves. Freedom of speech has always been the single most important foundation of democracy and the greatest bulwark against tyranny. No need to believe me. Take it from John Milton, the man who penned Areopagitica, perhaps the most powerful political argument for freedom of speech in 1644, at the height of England’s civil war.

And that is why Europe needs Musk. It is a story in several parts.

First, Europe is failing economically. It used to be vibrant, at least while the US government largely underwrote their defense costs. In 2010, the GDP of the EU equaled that of the United States. However, that is drying up with Trump forcing the EU nations to pay their way in NATO. Moreover, the EU nations are cutting their own throats with utopian energy policies. It is stunning but in no way surprising then, that the GDP of the EU has decreased in 15 years to half that of the U.S.

That’s only a part of the story. As Europe circles the drain, the socialist bureaucracy that defines the EU nations is desperately trying to hold onto power, making a mockery of democracy in the process.

In France, Macron manipulated the elections and allied with communists to keep Le Pen's winning electoral party out of office. And in now common form of the socialist left, Macron has embraced lawfare and is prosecuting Le Pen.

In Germany, the afD is the big winner in Germany’s most recent democratic elections, in large part because it wants to control the immigration that is destroying Germany’s national identity, social fabric, and, along with green obsessions, its economic stability. It is the people’s choice. However, those in power are shutting it down:

Germany’s other political parties have pledged not to cooperate with the AfD. The resulting “firewall” shuts the party out of governing coalitions, no matter how much popular support it enjoys. The AfD is denied the committee chairmanships in the national parliament in Berlin that its numbers would otherwise entitle it to. German courts have almost uniformly rejected the party’s efforts to remove these legal and extralegal barriers to normal participation in political life.

In Romania, the nation’s highest court overturned the results of an election that saw a right-wing party win a surprising electoral victory. As the Brussels Signal explains, the High Court’s act was a blatant interference in that nation’s democracy taken on the basis of bald allegations.

In England, Labour is revising voting laws to allow foreigners to vote in UK elections.

Democracy is not under assault in the EU from Elon Musk. It is under assault from the nations of the EU itself.

Moreover, Europe is in complete cultural collapse as hard-left politicians war on the Judeo-Christian religions, the twin foundations of Western civilization. The radical atheist/socialist left is not merely winning, but it is also inviting radical Muslims to immigrate and serve as allies in that fight.

The effects of this are catastrophic.

There is no question that the EU governments hate Elon Musk. But for the citizens of those countries, he is their last, best hope.

Image by Grok

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