The line between good and evil is not fine
“Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.” --Ronald Reagan
For those of us who grew up not giving much credibility to evil, the last nine years have been a serious wake-up call.
From the moment Donald Trump came down that escalator in June 2015, the left went to work to destroy the man.
The most obvious reason was that he was an outsider to the uniparty establishment. He had rebuilt the skyline of New York and was friends with, donors to, a long list of Democrats and Republicans, Americans of every color and creed, from Oprah to Mike Tyson, from Dana White to Linda McMahon.
He was beloved by all until, curiously, he decided to run for president on the common sense platform of “drain the swamp.”
Few knew then just how corrupt and deceitful that swamp was and is.
We all should have realized then just how duplicitous the denizens of that swamp truly are. They immediately set out to destroy the man with fake stories for the media to run with, impeachment based on fake stories the media ran with, and then an unending series of illegitimate lawsuits arguing crimes and civil acts for which no other person could have or would have ended in court.
It was all lawfare, destruction of a good man by the abuse of the law.
All those involved in the numerous and various schemes to ruin Trump can now be labeled as truly evil.
We may not have realized it then but we do now. Everything they did was based on lies, fabricated allegations, the collaboration of a host of shameless power mad people.
Hillary Clinton commissioned and paid for the phony Russia hoax dossier.
Andrew Weismann, Mark Elias, Norm Eisen, and a host of others colluded to manufacture the Mueller investigation that, in the end, had to admit there was no there there.
Adam Schiff, a veritable Uriah Heep of the Democrat party; a pathological liar, venal and corrupt but too scared to meet with Trump when he arrived in California to survey the fire damage.
Now we know that every one of those people were and are certifiably evil. They all work for the detriment of this country. They abhor our Constitution and with the mindless puppet Joe Biden in office, set about shredding it.
The left loathes our Constitution because as Obama put it, it lays out what the government cannot do, not what it can do. So confident in their ability to breach the law as they saw fit, this cabal of evildoers has committed countless crimes in their effort to rid their depraved “community” of Trump.
When they successfully rigged/stole the 2020 election, when Rupert Murdoch ordered his people at Fox News to make him a “non-person,” when he left office in 2021, it never occurred to them that he would be back. The cabal congratulated themselves on having run him out of town. Then, when he announced he was running again, they escalated their strategies and tactics and set about using lawfare to make certain that he would be battered down for good.
But all their planning went awry; they overreached. The backlash? Trump was re-elected in a near landslide and the Democrat party has been rendered irrelevant.
The left’s plan -- to install the senile Biden in office, run the country their way as neo-Marxists, usher in millions of illegal aliens, and remain in power forever, utterly failed.
They are in the weeds without a plan beyond making up more ludicrous stories like 'Elon made a Nazi salute!'
They are so lost, so irrelevant, it makes one a believer in karma. They deserve to be in perdition.
For the last four years, the left has imposed on the American people DEI -- mandated discrimination, ESG -– mandated climate change nonsense, transgenderism – sheer lunacy combined with physical mutilation of children, speech police that is anything but free, censorship of anything with which they disagree, etc.
In short, the imposition of authoritarianism. And like frogs being slowly brought to a boil, far too many Americans fell for their rules in fear of being cancelled. They became afraid. After seeing Trump operate in the first five days in office, perhaps they are waking up to the wickedness of the previous nine years of Democrat evil. There simply is no other word for it.
The Republicans who voted to confirm all of Biden’s pathetic cabinet picks now struggle to confirm Trump’s fine nominees. Despicable RINOs like Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowsky, Susan Collins and Thom Tillis should be politically dead men and women walking. They betray their own constituents without a care in the world. They, too, fall into the evil category. They love the power they have to wield without concern for what is right.
The last proof of evil on the left is their despicable reaction to the assassination attempt on Trump’s life in Butler, Pennsylvania last July.
Far too many of them wrote, tweeted, Facebooked, Instagramed, TikToked their regret that he had not been killed. They bemoaned the fact that the assassin missed. They made jokes about it for weeks and assumed they were in good company, that millions of us wanted him killed.
That was the final straw. That is when many of us who did not know the word to describe the left before suddenly knew. Evil.
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” --Edmund Burke
Image: Andrew Dobos, via Flickr // CC BY 2.0 Deed