The Democrats’ grotesque Holocaust cosplay is worse than before

Trump’s executive orders shocked Democrats out of their post-election torpor. Across the internet, they’re doubling down on claiming that we’re witnessing a new Nazi era. We saw the same thing last time, but this time, with Trump truly cracking down on illegal immigration, DEI, and LGBTQ+ madness, the left has elevated the comparisons in grotesque ways.

By now, I’m used to this kind of silly “Trump is Hitler and Republicans are Nazis” meme:

What really set me off was this meme, likening an illegal alien to Anne Frank:

Fair use.

That meme makes a mockery of the scope of Hitlerism and the evils of the Holocaust. Not only is Trump not Hitler; he is the antithesis of Hitler.

The National Socialists (Nazis) were—duh!—socialists. Unlike their fellow socialists (i.e., communists), fascists rejected the state owning the means of production in favor of the state controlling the means of production. As Mussolini said, “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”

Trump aims to shrink the state by making the government leaner economically and in terms of its reach. He is returning power to the people.

Hitler embraced gun control. When he targeted people, they were defenseless.

Trump supports the Second Amendment. He is leaving the ultimate power with the people.

Hitler sought world domination.

Trump, as in his first term, is making clear that he is disinterested in world domination and war. One example is his demand that NATO step up its obligations, which diminishes US power. He’s also determined to end the war in Ukraine so that America is no longer involved in a proxy fight against Russia.

Democrats, being phenomenally superficial people, conflate Trump’s “America First” policy with Hitler’s “Deutschland über Alles” philosophy. However, while the latter meant world domination, the former means that Trump governs for Americans’ benefit, not for the world’s benefit (which is what Democrats want). This doesn’t mean military aggression. It does mean preventing unfair trade using strategic tariffs.

The highest level of leftist outrage, though, is on behalf of all its special interest groups: the illegal aliens, racial minorities, and the LGBTQ+ crowd, especially the so-called “transgenders.” It’s regarding these people that the left bathes itself in Holocaust porn, with each “resistance member” seeing him, her, or itself striking a heroic pose before placing his/her/its head in the guillotine, which is what happened to Sophie Scholl and her genuinely courageous White Rose resistance group.

But again, Trump is no Hitler. Whether Hitler was dealing with political threats (communists and true Christians), handicapped people, gypsies, or homosexuals, Hitler’s response was always the same: Physically destroy them through inhumane imprisonment, slave labor, and execution.

That impulse was unbounded with the Jews, whom Hitler (consistent with socialist doctrine) believed to be the source of all evil. Hitler was so fanatic in his hatred that he diverted much-needed resources from his world-domination war to hunt Jews down across Europe, intern them under deadly conditions, and execute six million of them, all with the hope of eradicating every Jew on earth.

Trump is different. When it comes to his political opponents, he works solely through the political process, knowing his success will spell their demise.

He is a pro-handicapped president because his pro-life stance means he implicitly opposes executing handicapped people in utero.

He is the most pro-Israel and pro-Jewish president in history, starting with his moving the embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Israel’s control over the Golan Heights. PM Netanyahu considers him a friend and ally.

Since taking office, Trump immediately shipped to Israel powerful weapons that the Biden administration “paused,” has started to crack down on foreign Hamas radicals on American campuses, wants Egypt and Jordan to take in Gaza’s residents, emptying Gaza, which is appropriate because those residents are Egyptian and Jordanian, and has told Israel that when Hamas violates the ceasefire, he won’t stop it from destroying Hamas.

(Hamas has already broken the ceasefire, but Israel’s overriding need to protect and recover the hostages will prevent it from acting decisively. All it’s doing is slowing its own release of criminals from its prisons—some of whom are refusing to go back to Gaza.)

This is in stark contrast to the Biden administration’s desperate efforts to prevent Israel from achieving a military victory and the anti-Israel ideology permeating the left. Or, as Elon Musk tweeted,

Trump also isn’t interning or executing so-called “transgender” people. He has, however, said that the federal government will no longer treat the LGBTQ+ ideology as being on par with the idea of America itself. No more Pride flags or observing the 8 million self-created holidays.

Trump has also asserted that biological reality trumps “gender identity” feelings. This is not a Holocaust. LGBTQers are free to do as they will in their private lives without interference from or demands on the federal government.

And what about that “Latina Anne Frank”? First, Trump is currently rounding up murderers, pedophiles, rapists, robbers, etc., so unless Latina Anne Frank is a very bad person, she’s safe.

Second, the Jews that Hitler rounded up had been legally resident in those lands for several hundred years. Indeed, Hitler trapped them in their home countries, specifically so that he could eradicate them.

Third, Hitler’s goal was to enslave and then exterminate world Jewry. A starving, naked, freezing, louse-infected Anne Frank died alone in the mud from typhus in Bergen-Belsen. Trump is returning illegal aliens to their home countries, where they (including that Latina Anne Frank) can apply to return to America lawfully.

It’s that last that makes the “Latina Anne Frank” comparison so revolting—there is no similarity whatsoever between returning an illegal alien to her home country and rounding up people for execution. It’s genuinely wicked to pretend that there is.

The good news in the midst of all this leftist hysteria is that the American people (finally) are done. Trump’s average job approval is over 50%, while significant percentages of Americans support Israel, anti-trans policies, and deporting illegal aliens (although many lack the stomach for the nitty-gritty of deportation). In other words, the self-aggrandizing Holocaust porn isn’t working (thank goodness).

Image by Freepik.

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