New study: Democrat guys have a growing fidelity problem

Reason one billion to never date or lie down with a Democrat.

From Brad Wilcox and Grant Bailey at the Institute for Family Studies comes new research that backs up the obvious: “men” who vote Democrat are the least likely to honor the sexual boundaries of marriage, and that fidelity problem is growing:

Just a decade ago, three quarters of ever-married Democratic men aged 18-55 believed that having sex with someone besides your spouse is ‘always wrong,’ according to the General Social Survey (GSS). Today, only half do.

You mean to tell me that the guys who embrace baby murder (both as a matter of policy and personal attitude) because it allows them to exploit women for their own personal sexual gratification aren’t that bothered about respecting the marriage bed?

Oh, and the guy who pushes baby murder on the mother of his child post-coitus so he doesn’t have to grow up and take responsibility for his own actions isn’t wild about trivial things like honor, duty, and commitment?

“Men” who think nothing about deranged crossdressers invading female spaces to sexually violate women and girls and force them to be participants in a deranged fetish environment aren’t that concerned about protecting their own woman?

Huh, no kidding.

Now to be fair to Democrat men, they’re probably married to Democrat women—angry, “empowered,” fat, blue/purple/green hair, septum piercings, buzz cuts, entirely unfeminine, obnoxious, not submissive—can you imagine? It can’t be easy, but marriage is a covenant, and making those vows means giving your word to honor the obligations, regardless of anything else. But as we all know, Democrats are not people who care about integrity and following through with what they say they’re going to do.

Wilcox and Bailey also reveal this:

By contrast, four-in-five ever-married Republican men (18-55) embrace the classic norm that extramarital sex is ‘always wrong,’ with no signs of change over the same period.

I mean, could this not be expected considering the very stark political divides and the values espoused (as a whole) from each side? Republicans promote and support strong, traditional families (which inarguably includes marriage as God designed it), maturity, protection of children, and self-sacrifice.

On the other side? Democrats believe that sex is a “social construct,”  baby killing is a woman’s right, and children are sexual beings. We’re grossly different people.

Republican men aren’t immune to temptation, but at the core of who they are, their values are entirely different from their Democrat counterparts: they believe in personal responsibility, self-denial, and biblical morality. It doesn’t mean they don’t err, it just means they acknowledge infidelity is objectively wrong, and the outcome is detrimental.

Giving in to straying is giving in to the flesh; it’s weakness, pure and simple… and the left’s promotion of weak men (Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Tim Walz, Barack Obama) makes so much more sense.

Conservative men who strive to honor their families and God are a gift.

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