Democrats suddenly embrace herd immunity

Remember those phobic and spooky days in 2020 and 2021 when Democrats and their charlatan MD/PhDs had nothing but scorn for herd immunity re Covid?

My favorite is Peter Hotez, MD/PhD, pediatric vaccine and infectious disease credentialed brainiac, who was wrong about nearly everything about Covid—especially lockdowns, mask-wearing, and child-age susceptibility. He was also central to the yapping hyenas spreading morbid hysteria, rejecting immunity via natural infections within non-vulnerable populations. Hotez has also been a champion of quashing and then jailing anyone who dares to publicly reject the incompetent, indeed corrupt arrogance of institutional medicine.

Dr. Hotez and his fellow Covid cover-up co-conspirators, namely Anthony Fauci et al. should be worried about being targets of serious investigations from the new administration—especially driven by nominee RFK Jr’s HHS—for alleged conspiracies in funding gain-of-function Covid research and then lying about their involvement.

Public domain image.

Of course, Democrat operatives inside the White House and amongst Democrat party-run media are proposing “pre-emptive” presidential pardons not only for Fauci & Co., but also for Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, retired General Mark Milley, Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick Garland, and dozens more.

Will Joe issue blanket pardons for thousands of deep state saboteurs and co-conspirators inside HHS, DHS, the Pentagon, and the Justice Department for unspecified criminal conduct before Trump 47’s January 20 posse takes names and laundry tag numbers while employing Indian scouts to track them down?

But what would be the point of nibbling with a piecemeal lottery? As the crew from Commentary Magazine’s daily podcast quipped, Biden should give pre-emptive pardons to all 74 million Kamala Harris voters. Why shouldn’t rank-and-file Democrats enjoy president-issued broad-spectrum immunity, too?

And so, only Joe Biden could be the first to “Make Herd Immunity Great Again”!

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