Will California succeed in secession?
Kurt Schlichter has a series of novels—eight thus far—based on the premise America has split into blue and red countries. In his first book—People’s Republic--his protagonist Kelly Turnbull, formerly Army Special Ops, makes a good living spiriting people out of the blue. That novel focuses on California where every bit of contemporary wokeness has run to its obvious, lunatic extreme and California is a totalitarian hell hole.
Graphic: Book cover scan. Author.
Now it seems Californians consider their burning state to be so successful and progressive they can go it alone:
There’s a new secession effort on the horizon, and just like the Confederates of the mid-19th century, Democrats are behind it. Newsweek reports that California’s secretary of state has given the green light to a movement to gather signatures for a petition to put California’s secession from the U.S. on the ballot in 2028. [Skip]
To have an independence vote included on California's 2028 election ballot, campaigners must gather 546,651 signatures—constituting 5 percent of the total votes cast for Governor Gavin Newsom in November 2022—and submit them to county elections officials by July 22, 2025.
The question proposed by the campaign is "Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?"
According to the campaign, if at least 50 percent of registered Californian voters cast their ballots, and at least 55 percent of participants vote "yes," it would constitute "a vote of no confidence in the United States of America" and an "expression of the will of the people of California" to become an independent state.
Apparently, the recently allocated $50 million to “Trump proof” California was merely a down payment on their bold resistance to the American republic’s constitutional tyranny.
So be it. Just as Donald Trump is wisely going to require some sane policy changes in exchange for rebuilding money, there ought to be some caveats for Californians to keep in mind as they vote on secession. A few come to mind:
*America won’t have to build a wall to keep Californians out; they’ll build one to keep them in. We might have to take down the border wall between what used to be California and Mexico. They wouldn’t want to keep that, would they?
*Every military installation and other federal offices will have to be moved to the free states. There are 32 military installations and well over 150 thousand personnel, not counting dependents, civilian workers, etc. I’m sure California, a model of efficient governance, won’t miss them or their tax dollars.
*Since California will be a sovereign nation, we’ll have to negotiate treaties of all kinds. We’ll certainly have to enact tariffs on anything they export to America, regulate the border, require passports, visas, etc.
*It would be wrong of us to continue to burden a self-sufficient country like the People’s Republic of California—or will it be the People’s Republic of Newsom?—with commodities like water, electricity or gasoline. Surely, they won’t want that kind of climate change horror? They deserve to prosper by their own superior, evolved green policies, so we’ll keep our water, electricity, gas and similar commodities to ourselves.
*That will apply to all other consumer goods as well. Independent nations ought to be able to produce what they need, and they wouldn’t want our awful, climate change denying gas stoves, furnaces, cars and efficient air conditioners anyway.
*Well, maybe if they wanted things like clothing, food, toilet paper and the like we could kindly provide them, but at a considerable markup to cover the expenses of transporting them to a foreign country.
*I’m sure they’d want their own currency with likenesses of people like Karen Bass, President-for-life Newsom, and that hefty LA assistant fire chief, whatever her name is. So, it would be appropriate to let them have their own money, which wouldn’t be legal tender in America.
*Come to think of it, they wouldn’t want our filthy, capitalist money either, would they?
*They surely wouldn’t want to have access to our stock market, so we’ll help them out with that.
Graphic: X Screenshot
*We don’t send Social Security, Medicare or any other benefits to citizens of foreign lands, but I’m sure Californians, or whatever they’ll call themselves, wouldn’t want that sort of thing from an oppressive nation like America.
*They’d have to set up their own insurance companies too.
*I’m sure their income taxes would be much more efficient and lower than they’re currently paying to the IRS.
*When next California—or whatever—bursts into flames, importing fire fighters, air tankers and the like will be much more costly, having to travel to a foreign country and all.
*As for national defense, good luck with that. They wouldn’t want to involve themselves with an oppressive, patriarchal military that doesn’t fully embrace the glories of LGBTQWERTY and DEI.
I’m sure I’m missing a few things, but perhaps this would be a good starting place for current Californian’s consideration.
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Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.