Israel, not Palestine, is the side that fights back -- but the Washington Post reports it backwards
In “Violence erupts in West Bank as settlers attack, Israel raids Jenin,” published on Jan. 21, the Washington Post’s anti-Israel bias is in full swing.
After numerous terrorist attacks in Israel by Palestinian terrorists from the West Bank, Israel launched a military operation to halt the attacks, to protect its citizens.
This is something any country should be expected to do.
According to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, in 2024 Israel thwarted more than 1,000 Palestinian terrorist attacks from the West Bank and Jerusalem.
However, many attacks do get through.
Last week, a West Bank Palestinian terrorist stabbed a man in Tel Aviv. The week before that, three Israelis were murdered, two of them elderly women. Eight others were injured when Palestinian terrorists opened fire on [their] vehicles. And the week before that, an 83-year-old woman was murdered in Herzylia by a West Bank Palestinian terrorist. This was just in the last month. I could go on and on.
In summary, the Palestinian terrorists are the attackers but the Post refuses to admit it. Once again, the Post acts as the propaganda wing of the Palestinian movement. The Post should be appointed to a position in the Palestinian government, if they don’t have one already.
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