How to make Anthony Fauci pay
Only in America can someone illegally fund coronavirus gain-of-function research, causing the pandemic; be in charge of the pandemic response; retire with the highest federal pension in history; and be pardoned for his crimes. In future testimony, Fauci can no longer plead the Fifth, and if he goes the “I can’t recall my own name” route, he could be indicted by a now-compliant DOJ for untruthfulness and potentially receive a jail term. But let’s go for possibly bigger fry.
According to 5 USC Section 8312, someone can lose his federal pension if he testifies falsely to a congressional committee on national security issues:
(a) An individual, or his survivor or beneficiary, may not be paid annuity or retired pay on the basis of the service of the individual which is creditable toward the annuity or retired pay, subject to the exceptions in section 8311(2) and (3) of this title, if the individual—
was convicted, before, on, or after September 1, 1954, of an offense named by subsection (b) of this section, to the extent provided by that subsection;
(b)The following are the offenses to which subsection (a) of this section applies if the individual was convicted before, on, or after September 1, 1954:
(3)Perjury committed under the statutes of the United States or the District of Columbia—
in falsely testifying before a congressional committee in connection with a matter under inquiry before the congressional committee involving or relating to an interference with or endangerment of, or involving or relating to a plan or attempt to interfere with or endanger, the national security or defense of the United States.
In case you’re wondering if COVID involves national security (shouldn’t that be obvious?), a former DNI, Deep-Stater, and anti-Trump plotter herself said in an NIE that the COVID pandemic had national security implications. Excerpts:
National Intelligence Estimate, April 2022, DECLASSIFIED by DNI Haines on 14 January 2023
Economic and National Security Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through 2026
This IC-coordinated National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) addresses the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for US economic and national security interests through 2026, in response to a Presidential tasking. [snip]
(U) The COVID-19 pandemic worsened already poor governance and underlying socioeconomic conditions in parts of Central America and the Caribbean, including food insecurity, lack of job opportunities, and crime and violence, which are likely to remain drivers of US-bound migration from the region for years to come. [snip]
Key Judgment 4: The pandemic is likely to be continued to be exploited by U.S. adversaries to build their influence[.]
Although the report goes on to state that the expected national security impact is small, that doesn’t change that it had national security implications or that there could be bigger ones.
So haul Fauci’s sorry butt before an appropriate congressional committee and ask him questions like these:
- Do you have any knowledge that the reason the coronavirus “gain-of-function” definition was altered was so as to protect someone involved in gain-of-function funding or research based on a technicality?
- Did you have any knowledge that the true COVID-19 origin is the Wuhan lab?
- Did you ask any scientists to lie about the COVID-19 origin in either their public statements or in journal publications?
- Were you acting at the behest of the CIA in any capacity at any time on coronavirus gain-of-function funding or research? (If he says he can’t discuss this in an open hearing, let him testify on this in a closed hearing, and then Trump can declassify his testimony.)
- Why did you promote a mask mandate when real follow-the-science evidence, such as high-quality mask studies published in reputable journals and the CDC’s own pre-COVID-19 coronavirus handbook based on decades of research, suggested otherwise? Was it to increase panic among the populace so it would be more compliant with the COVID protocols? Which mask study or studies were you relying on?
- Did you know of or hide any unpublished adverse data on COVID vaccines?
- Why did you push remdesivir as an inpatient protocol when it was known to have unacceptably high toxicity and ineffectiveness? Did you know of or hide any adverse data on remdesivir? Did you or anyone else in NIH get feedback from hospital CEOs or administrators who knew that remdesivir was killing patients but kept administering it to get generous reimbursement and to avoid being sanctioned?
Make Fauci fess up to all his evil COVID lies or risk losing his $380,000 annual federal pension. Given his age (84), an estimated joint net worth of $11–12 million, and spousal federal pension still intact, the Faucis will not go hungry, but the damage to his reputation or the pension loss will offer some semblance of justice for his crimes against humanity.
W.A. Eliot is a pseudonym.
Image via Wikimedia Commons, public domain.