Defund your local library

Librarians are no longer sexy or even clearly female. They’ll usually only shush you if you’re not P.C., and sometimes they’re neither male nor female, but a chude (that’s a “chick-dressing dude”).

Time was when there was a “sexy librarian” type—a good-looking, bookish, demure type of gal who really didn’t know how beautiful she was and who was smart to boot. But, as the saying goes, “everything woke turns to sh**,” including your local library and those myths about beautiful bookish women.

Our societal drive to degeneracy includes removing the possibility of librarians being sexy and demure, and libraries being places of refuge for normal people; that is, folks who aren’t trying to teach their “nonbinary” four-year-old to be a pornographer in the tradition of Henry Miller. But go take a gander at the kids’ section of your local library and I bet you will find many books about children being gay, or so-called “trans”, or having sex well underage. How edifying.  

Image by Freepik AI.

When conservatives find out what’s happening in the kids’ section, and have such books removed from libraries, grooming lesbrarians call it “banning” books. Look up the title “Lawn Boy” if you have any doubt about this filth.

At my local library, a chude is a permanent fixture at the reception desk. He ain’t fooling nobody but the rest of the braindead leftist (MAUS) crowd that supports Making America Uglier Still; they think he/she/it/them is fabulous.

I am a MABA for Making America Beautiful Again, so I am against the drab and hateful LGBT crowd, am a hater of Marxism and its handmaiden DEI, and want to shrink all government and get term limits at all levels of government. I also want a 40-year moratorium on immigration (especially and including H1-B) because we have a flood of uglies coming in, and we’re neck-deep in uglies.

Even at the library, there’s no rest from the ugliness.

Bring back quiet libraries and normal librarians, and lose the deviant axe-grinding politics now taxpayer-funded in virtually every non-Christian Science Reading Room library (and maybe even there now, Heaven forbid) in America. We can do this.

Where I live, the library system supporting this godless, hedonistic, and envious (Marxist) worldview had a floating banner on all of its computers during ”Pride” (in buggery and sexual deviancy) Month or whatever it was last year, with language supporting “the struggle” for so-called marginalized groups like anal-copulating homosexual men, vaginal fisting homosexual women, and illegal immigrants who care neither about our laws nor learning English. Gracias!

Where I live, regional tax dollars to the tune of tens of millions yearly are handed over to these propagandists hiding behind a once venerable public institution—the public library—to do their dirty hedonism-’n-Marxism grooming work. Several years back here in Smokytown, people went ape when they learned the local libraries were hosting Drag Queen Storytimes. There was a hullabaloo, and someone threatened to bomb a library, so the library’s officials said they wouldn’t be holding them anymore.

As a former frequenter of a local library in this system, the one in which a cross-dressing man works as a librarian at the front desk, I have the sneaking suspicion they still have Drag Queen Grooming Hours, based on the weird collections of homosexual couples with small children filtering into events behind closed doors in a meeting room in the library’s basement.

My local library is like the Soviet Union—potential applicants must prove loyalty to the party. Would-be employees must provide statements of their belief in diversity (and examples of how they have acted on that diversity-faith in previous work), to be considered for even part-time employment by a business receiving all of its funds from the public and most of it from taxes.

Instead of opening minds to the heights of literature, my local library system is more concerned with promoting sexual depravity and childhood sexual behavior, grievance politics, pride in sinful behavior, and a lying dogma of national divisiveness pitting races against each other and putting believers and nonbelievers at each other’s throats. And most keenly interested in elevating the “courage” of longhaired ugly guys wearing flower print ankle-length granny dresses and talking in falsetto.

Bring back the sexy librarians with their actual femininity and even their shushing.

And please, for the love of all that is good, defund your local library.

(See also, “From the heart of deep blue Marin County, the local library is a ‘sanctuary.’”)

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