Melania Trump has found her footing
When Melania Trump enters the White House on January 20, she anticipates a very different experience than the time she spent there in President Trump’s first term.
Do you remember how poorly she was treated? Here’s what Donna Rice Hughes, CEO and president of internet safety organization Enough Is Enough, noted in 2017:
Never has there been so much lingering hostility so long after a presidential election.
Much of this hostility has been aimed at the first family, with a particularly cruel emphasis on Melania Trump.
And yet, despite the barrage of insults attacking her, including the New York Times reporter who referred to her as a hooker and the ex-boxer who called her a golddigger, the first lady continues to demonstrate grace, kindness and patience.
(Hughes also emphasized Melania’s personal experience with the level of vitriol that can be experienced through social media.)
Although many first ladies have been indulged by international designers, Melania was shunned by them:
According to Daily Mail, Toni Holt Kramer, the founder of the Trumpettes support group and a close pal of Trump and his spouse, stated: ‘Things are very different this time around.’ Melania received harsh treatment from designers when Trump was first elected as the US president. This was because the designers didn't want to be linked to Trump's ‘toxic’ political style.
‘People spoke out against her and refused to dress her. She was shunned and treated appallingly but acted with nothing but class. It must have been hard for her. Now people are begging to dress her.’
But Melania appears to be turning the page with a new and refreshing attitude. She realizes that the times have changed, as has President Trump. And she is showing a new confidence and excitement about entering the White House this time around:
Asked what is different this time around, Melania Trump talked about being familiar with the process but appeared to take a jab at the Obama administration, claiming it withheld information in 2017.
‘I know the rooms where we will be living. I know the process. The first time was challenging. We didn’t have much of the information. The information was upheld for us from the previous administration,’ she said.
She continued, ‘But this time, I have everything. I have plans I could move in. I already packed, I already selected the, you know, the furniture that needs to go in. So, it’s very different.’
The public has also had the opportunity to learn more about her. She doesn’t hesitate to hold different opinions than her husband, such as her being supportive of abortion. She has also written a memoir which has allowed people to know more about her story and her private life. She is looking forward to again sponsoring the initiative she began in the first term, “Be Best.”
And Ms. Rice gave Melania this advice, which is just as true today as it was then:
I encourage Melania to continue to hold her head high and to demonstrate, by word and deed, what it really means to take the high road. The American people are watching, and they need a leading lady.
Image: Public domain.