Gavin Newsom is blowing it

Gavin Newsom is out and about in the fire-ravaged parts of Los Angeles, and can't even fake a picture of decisive crisis leadership.

That's because he keeps saying and doing surreal things that go against all common sense, a picture of wokedom melting down and twisting around with the inferno.

Rep. Kevin Kiley laid out a few of his odd moves:

Yes, he's all about politicking his way into raising money off the matter, plus going on leftist broadcasts to blame Trump instead of his own record -- cutting firefighting budgets by $100 million, flushing rainwater to the sea, coughing up an $50 million with his wokester legislative allies to "Trump-proof" his state for illegals, forcing home insurers to pull out of the state, and grossly ignoring President Trump's advice to clear forest flooring, store rainwater, and maintain firefighting capacities.

Much easier to spin the bad decisions and their inevitable consequences than it is to actually correct the problems.

He also gaslighted:

And he's certainly prioritized this:

Newsom also did little to reassure victims of the fires that their homes would be safe from vulture developers swooping in, going into a strange bob-and-weave dance as if he realized midway in his statement that he was saying something unpopular:

As if that wasn't bad enough, he called the fire disasters "an opportunity," stoking the victims' worst fears about not being able to get their lives back, except on Gavin's greenie-woke terms -- everyone becoming a worker ant in high-density apartment housing, with only public transportation for getting around:

He tried to show voters that he was "doing something" about a reconstruction plan ... by consulting the governor of fire-ravaged Hawaii:

Aside from the land speculation and fire profiteering over in fire-ravaged Lahaina -- very little of Lahaina has actually been rebuilt, owing to red tape and other issues.

Sound like the guy he should be getting advice from, other than what-not-to-do advice? Sure seems like it.

Here's another doozy from him, too:

So he only wants to rebuild to impress the Olympics? This is one messed-up priority and yes, he should ship the Olympics over to Dallas or Orlando or any city in a better position to handle them than he is right now.

Sure, he says he's done a lot to streamline the permitting process, which should reduce waiting times for building permits -- to four months in the best case scenario, assuming there isn't a long line for permits perhaps.

It was a backhanded admission of the failure of the building permit process for everyone else:

How about no permits at all? Just let the locals rebuild to reasonable facimiles of what they had before.

Some doubt he's helping even in this, as the devil will be in the details, saying the real issue is streamlining building permits for the fire victims.

The bottom line is he's making one blunder after another, even from his own perspective. That may well turn the state red, sooner rather than later, because as the saying popularized by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit goes, everyone's a conservative about things he or she knows best.

There probably isn't anything voters know best than their own homes.

Newsom's madman incompetence has gone through the roof.

Image: Screen shot from X video

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