Donald Trump and alternate reality

Donald Trump’s inauguration has revealed the existence of two realities inhabiting the same plane of existence. Normal Americans—largely but not exclusively Republicans—inhabit actual, objective, scientifically examined reality. 

Graphic: Chris Muir, Day by Day Cartoon. Used with permission.

Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) reality is a Bizzarro World/backward existence where Normal American victims are aggressors and D/s/c aggressors are victims. It’s a world of self-delusion, raging, drooling, terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers and projection:

Graphic: X Screenshot

Trump’s speech was actually uplifting and hopeful, identifying injustices and betrayals of Americans and promising restoration. The transcript is here; judge for yourself.

A good example of D/s/c world comes from a recent New York Times editorial:

“Real power is — I don’t even want to use the word — fear.”

Donald Trump made that remark to the journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in March 2016. Fear is, of course, a favorite tool of the president-elect. He has used it for decades to intimidate opponents, critics and allies to give up, give in or give way. He built his real estate empire through lawsuits and threats against rivals and partners.

He cowed and demolished political opponents through humiliation and invective. He consolidated control of the Republican Party and silenced G.O.P. detractors with pressure tactics and threats to end careers. And as president, he used the power of the office and the power of social media to make life miserable for anyone he chose.

In Normal American (NA) reality, the world of New York City real estate is hardball for everyone. One doesn’t make billions by being nice. Trump succeeded because he was smarter and more capable than others. He delivered on time—often earlier—and under budget. DC politics are likewise hardball and Trump was a counter puncher. Those that attacked him with nuclear strike-level humiliation and invective got as good as they gave. Indeed, Trump wrote mean tweets in response. Pity the poor swamp dwellers so frail and sensitive as to be made miserable by tweets. And careers were canceled not by Trump or other NA’s, but by cruel, even evil, D/s/cs using rampant wokeness to their advantage.

But did Trump use the power of the presidency against critics?

It wasn’t Trump who filed more than 90 indictments across the nation against political opponents, opponents who impeached him twice, once when he was out of office and who are trying to impeach him again for campaigning. They tried to bankrupt him. D/s/cs tried to strike him from ballots, tried to twice assassinate him, indicted his associates and constantly lied about him, calling him racist, fascist, a dictator and an existential threat to “our democracy.” They serially subpoenaed his children and ransacked his wife’s underwear drawers.

Claims that Trump was violating the rule of law were the grossest projection, and as President, his every action has been to restore the rule of law and to do away with political prosecutions, the weaponization of government against Americans and maliciously woke evil that has done so much damage to our nation and to so many Americans.

Nowhere did Trump so restore the rule of law as in his pardons of J6 hostages. The text of that executive order is here.

So, it’s time to revisit NA, objective reality, beginning with this joyous announcement:

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Now and always thank God. And revel in this equally happy reality:

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January 20, 2025 was indeed a good day for America:

But as expected, and despite Trump’s order to the contrary, there was expected, unlawful, resistance:

Graphic: X Screenshot

I’ve no idea if those hostages were released on the 21st, but perhaps representatives of the Trump Administration can get in touch with those prison officials who defied the lawful orders of the POTUS and introduce them to NA reality?

Norman Rockwell, that iconic recorder of NA America, could not have done better than this:

Graphic: X Screenshot

Seeing innocent Americans restored to full citizenship, if not to full wealth, is hearwarming. There are no better images heralding America’s return to NA, objective, trust-the-actual- science reality than these:

Graphic: X Screenshot

For the next four years we can expect feverish, desperate, raging mad resistance whenever objective reality reasserts itself. Yet Normal Americans, and those trending that way but not yet ready to make that final leap of faith to objective reality, can once again enjoy the blessings of steadily restored liberty and patriotism.

As Donald Trump put it: “fight, fight fight!”

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Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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