Petro caves in completely to Trump over migrant repatriation flights

After posting the most insane drunken rant ever seen by a head of state on X, Colombia's Chavista-Marxist president, Gustavo Petro, has done a sudden 180, completely caving in to the demands of President Trump to accept repatriation flights for Colombian criminals illegally present in the U.S. as he had agreed to earlier.

This was reposted by him on his X site, though I don't see the original up there now:

He also posted this, under a Colombian government masthead, which says basically the same thing:

He still has his insane rant about hanging around with blacks fighting Mexicans in the Washington slums, fascists, Cordoba, Sacco and Vanzetti, ancient Egyptians, beauty and poetry, his gastritis, and a long string of other Hugo Chavez-like gibberish pinned at the top of his tweets here.

But the cave-in was real, the most grovelly cave-in I've ever seen, just perfect for a would-be clown dictator who went on a drunken rant.

It came as the result of one post from President Trump, offering a minor array of sanctions, and hardly the hardest ones he could have enacted, after Petro reneged on allowing two repatriation flights of Colombian criminals illegally present in the U.S. after all the paperwork was signed:

This is a reported video of what that looked like:

Trump posted this to underline the point:

While I think Trump was the most decisive factor, my sense is that Colombia's powerful business elites probably leaned on Petro to cave, too, given the disastrous effects tariffs would have on their industries:

Colombia's elites fought for 12 long years for free trade with the U.S. something they completely earned and would now be seeing all go to dust over this drunken rant by Petro and idiotic refusal to accept two repatriation flights he had already agreed to accept because he claimed the criminals weren't being treated well enough. Valentine's Day was right around the corner and 50% tariffs would decimate Colombia's flower industry on one of its most important paydays, one they had been working for by growing the plants for all year long. Other industries would be similarly affected, but flowers and coffee would be particularly hard hit. Businesses would be ready to roll to stop this monstrous tradeoff; surely someone got word to Petro that he would be thrown out screaming like they used to do to Ecuador's crazy presidents and that got his attention.

No wonder he groveled.

Not everyone agrees with that, given that Petro hates all businesses and has alienated himself from them, meaning, someone in his inner circle more likely understood the suicidal nature of Petro's unhinged rants and slammed him up against the wall to cave in.

Economics is a big deal in Colombia but there also was the military angle that may have forced Petro into the fetal position -- the U.S. gives Colombia $400 million to fight narcoterror and Colombia this past week just suffered a truly bad military defeat at the hands of narcos aligned with Venezuela, losing actual territory to the thugs:

Google Translate:

Let this not erase the fact that a few hours ago the news was that Colombia had lost control of Catumbo to Venezuela via the irregular drug-trafficking army of the ELN. This crisis with the US, apart from being terrible, is self-inflicted. There are governments that benefit from chaos.

They are going to need U.S. aid to get their land back.

Colombia's press rightly wondered what got into Petro, why did he cancel the flights and babble on about 'dignity' for returning criminals whom he mischaracterized as mere 'immigrants' after all the paperwork was signed for the repatriation?

A Colombian diplomat, or former one, wrote about how cumbersome the process would have been to just get clearance to land the jets:

And some pointed out Petro's flaming hypocrisy -- when Maduro expelled a batch of Colombian illegals from Venezuelan territory not too long ago, they were basically chased across the border with all their worldly goods on their backs -- which was hardly this 'dignity' to Colombian migrants Petro claimed to be so concerned about -- and these were merely illegal migrants, not the true criminals Trump was sending back.

Colombians understood the nature of the expulsions as Petro preened about 'dignity:

Google Translate:

I have been informed that the 160 Colombians deported from the United States to Colombia are criminals. They were not brought in handcuffs because they were migrants, but because they had committed crimes in the United States.

Yet Petro still caved and groveled, taking his thrashing from Trump who came in with his belt.

It leaves Trump in a powerful position for other matters, and it's fascinating that it took such a fool to make it happen, one that should have known that this was how Trump would react -- he did the same hard hand of sanctions to Mexico, shutting down the entire border during his first term when Mexico refused to stop illegals from coming and got his 'remain in Mexico' agreements in place as a result. Everything was docile after that.

But Petro missed that, which might have allowed him to save face by not starting anything in such a foolish way.

Now he's in worse shape than ever. In the top paper in the Colombian press, El Tiempo's front page featured a huge photo of President Trump looking stern and unamused at Petro's clown antics.

But the U.S. is in a better place because of Trump's swift action.

The implication for the U.S. is here:

That's amazing work from Trump, one that is sure to increase his leverage elsewhere. Making America Great Again contains a sizable contingent of FAFO, which Petro learned the hard way.

Image: Screen shot from X

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