We’ve won the first battle to restore America but it’s still a war out there
It’s wonderful to celebrate Trump’s acts since his inauguration, but we must remember that, as Churchill once said, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” We’ve won, but it’s today’s victory, and there are many fights still coming tomorrow.
Today’s polls show that President Donald Trump has a net approval rating among American adults of +18 points. Additionally, President Trump is polling 6 points higher today than at any other time since he first entered the White House in 2017.
The media and pundit classes are shocked and befuddled, having never really understood Americans and the will of The People. They’ve certainly overestimated our tolerance for lies and BS. That shock is especially, well, shocking, considering that:
- Trump won the Electoral College...overwhelmingly
- Trump won the popular vote...overwhelmingly
- Republicans won the House of Representatives
- Republicans won the Senate
- Republican governors outnumber Democrats
- Republican legislatures outnumber Democrats
There is a description for this phenomenon: national mandate.
The American people want the representative republic of the United States Of America, not the “United Socialist States Of America” (“USSA”) that the Leftists, Socialists, Globalists, Green Pagans, and other assorted anti-American wackos have been trying to force us, and the entire planet, into choosing.
Although Trump won a strong mandate from the American People to restore the Republic to its constitutional foundation, our beachhead is precarious, and time is short. We cannot be complacent. Moving forward, whether at the top of the ticket or down the ballot, every future Election must still be hard fought—federal, state, county, city, and even school board and dog catcher. These are the real battle trenches where the down-and-dirty battles must be fought and won to restore the heart, soul, and future of our Nation.
The USSA proponents still hold tremendous power, have significantly more money, and, most importantly, understand where the real victories must be won. They control the institutions, and that’s a long list: the media, judges and court systems, finance, healthcare and medicine, education (from pre-K through colleges and universities), public sector and trade unions, numerous city, county, and state governments, and myriad industries. Most importantly, even in countries and states where voters are moving right, USSA proponents control to control all levels of election boards and management.
Real Americans need to step up and fight for every institution, especially when it comes to election control. We must also speak the truth and demand from these institutions, whether public or private. In that way, we can begin the process of winning back all of our American government, “for the people, by the people,” for a real and lasting return to our bedrock constitutional foundations.
Our forefathers won the Revolutionary War against a tyrannical monarch and Parliament by standing firm, everywhere, every day, every time, until, with startling suddenness at Yorktown, it was over and America was birthed.
By never giving up the fight—not on a physical battlefield, but by changing minds and institutions—this is how, once again, we will win the war for the heart and soul of our Republic.
Image by Archibald Willard. Public Domain.