Islamists can't be trusted
Time and again, westerners (who should know better) babble about the “democratic” opening of Islamic-ruled nations due to their so-called elections - more aptly, pre-ordained selections.
Since past is prologue, who recalls the brouhaha in Iraq (October 15, 2005), due to voter participation in a referendum for Iraq's Constitution, purple ink-stained fingers and all?! Mind you, former President Bush's delusional and toothless promise to “democratize” Iraq, with supposed knock-on effects to the Middle East, was nothing short of a bold-faced disaster. In fact, Saddam Hussein's brutal regime was overtaken by yet another Islamic hydra. Six of one, half a dozen of another. In its stead, the pinnacle of Islamic monstrosity - Salafi Jihadists, in concert with Shia militant barbarians - became implanted/cemented.
Fast forward twenty years, and it is not accidental nor coincidental that the Middle East is a cauldron of hellfire with Israel in their crosshairs, America and Europe, alike.
Thus, for a dose of reality-based thinking, let's take a deep-dive into Lebanon's latest sham election on January 9, 2025 - with Joseph Aoun its designated President. His helpmate is Prime Minister Nawaf Salam.
Before anything else, let's be very clear: whichever figureheads stand at the helm, this or that vacuous promise to rein in Hezbollah is whistling past the graveyard. Ditto every other Islamic-driven nation and their ruling jihadist entities.
More specifically, a crystal clear, bulletproof understanding of what underlies Islamic authority and rule must be internalized.
The Koran, Islam's Holy Book, governs all; theologically, culturally as well as politically. There is no deviation allowed or tolerated.
Though scores of mandates exist, the dictates within Chapter 33 are most revealing. Mohammad, the Islamic "prophet," is deemed Allah's messenger.
Among its passages, most prominently, stands a "Celestial Advisory." It mandates: "It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger, Mohammad, to have any option about their decision. If anyone disobeys, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path" (Koran 33:36).
Followed up by an endless stream of railings by Mohammad - those targeting infidels (a/k/a kafirs) Jews, Christians, minorities and non-believing Muslims, too - a special place in hell-fire is designated for them: "Our Lord, give them Double Penalty, and curse them with a very great Curse” (Verse 68).
Intertwined and underlying a plethora of centuries-long hatred is the Islamic war-cry for Jihadi Terrorism across the globe. It is within this context that four key and core mandates are front and center, all of which are under the main umbrella of Taqiyya.
“Taqiyya” is, literally, deception. It is this act which will enable Islam-Submission- to rule over the entire world without exception.
“Kitman,” under the same pillar, translates as concealment/withholding.
In conjunction, “Muruna” and “Tawriya” round out the non-negotiable mandates of how a Muslim must comport, again, to submit all to Islam.
It is alongside this lethal and twisted terrain that so-called ceasefires are never worth the paper they are written on. For, in reality, they are to be considered nothing more than hudnas under Islamic law; the time and space required to regroup, only to emerge stronger and more lethal.
Not only that, many Israelis and westerners fail to internalize the real language of the Middle East, which is, "Strong Horses Rule!"
In a nutshell, according to a block-buster book by Lee Smith, a most highly credible analyst in Middle East politics, the aforementioned delusions over Islamic-rule emerge.
In his provocative and timely book, Middle East expert Lee Smith overturns long-held Western myths and assumptions about the Arab world, offering advice for America’s future success in the region.
Seeking the motivation behind the September 11 attacks, Smith moved to Cairo, where he discovered that the standard explanation—a clash of East and West—was simply not the case. Middle East conflicts have little to do with Israel, the United States, or the West in general, but are endemic to the region. According to Smith’s “Strong Horse Doctrine,” the Arab world naturally aligns itself with strength, power, and violence. He argues that America must be the strong horse in order to reclaim its role there, and that only by understanding the nature of the region’s ancient conflicts can we succeed.
Even so, if this appears to be the rantings of overly pessimistic minds, so be it. An authority on Islamic rule in Lebanon, Lebanese-American, Bridgette Gabriel, interviewed by Professor Gad Saad on YouTube, makes the case.
Graphic: Bridgette Gabrielle and Gad Saad, YouTube Screenshot
Ignore the above facts at western civilization’s peril, disquieting/depressing as they are.