If this is war, so be it
America has been placed on a wartime footing in a military engagement against an illegal invasion, and it is one that we cannot afford to lose.
President and Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump has just focused on the U.S. military to make the defense of American integrity a core mission.
That is evident in this White House statement:
As Chief Executive and Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, I have no more solemn responsibility than protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the United States along our national borders. The protection of a nation’s territorial integrity and national boundaries is paramount for its security. ...
It is the policy of the United States to ensure that the Armed Forces of the United States prioritize the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the United States along our national borders.
A National Emergency currently exists along the southern border of the United States. Unchecked unlawful mass migration and the unimpeded flow of opiates across our borders continue to endanger the safety and security of the American people and encourage further lawlessness. Accordingly, through this order, I am acting in accordance with my solemn duty to protect and defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the United States along our national borders.
Which calls to mind something from history:
Just before America’s entrance into World War II, a brilliant U.S. Army officer gave a warning to President Roosevelt that our nation was ill-equipped for a possible invasion by hostile forces:
On May 13, 1940, General George Marshall (often considered the architect of the American war effort) warned President Roosevelt that: “If five German Divisions landed anywhere on the Coast, they could go anywhere they wished.”
In combat power, German divisions, depending on their designation, such as Infantry or Panzer (tanks), varied in numbers, but it would be fair to say that Gen. Marshall was taking around 100,000 invaders.
Marshall’s strategic warning about defending the sovereignty of America from such an invasion was a prescient moment just in time to awaken all citizens to the very real gathering threat to our nation’s significant lack of preparedness.
The Roosevelt-Marshall call to mobilize a huge standing Army against the threat of a U.S. invasion was deterred, of course. It also paid to have a two-ocean Navy standing ready.
Sadly, as the predicted war arrived over Hawaiian skies, they suffered a terrible and deadly opening round with Imperial Japan’s airborne combat attack.
Today, throughout America, ICE and other federal law enforcement agencies are conducting focused and legal raids against very dangerous illegal criminal organizations. It has also been reported that U.S. Army troops and Marines will join the fight and advance to the border.
President Trump campaigned and was given a national mandate to reverse the illegal invasion that Presidents Obama and Biden planned and supported. They should be ashamed of themselves for allowing and actually encouraging such horrifying numbers of criminals who now are loose in America.
As reported by the House Homeland Security Committee, here is their record:
• Homicide: 14,944
• Sexual Assault: 20,061
• Assault: 105,146
• Burglary/Larceny/Robbery: 60,268
• Traffic Offenses: 126,343
• Weapon Offenses: 16,820
• Kidnapping: 3,372
• Commercialized Sexual Offenses: 3,971
Faced with such a threat and given full support by Americans, one can still expect “not so fast, you fascist!” biased reporting by a media that truly hates him and everything he does. But the American people know that the president has appropriately committed the Armed Forces to the fight.
This evolving military combat engagement has the very real possibility of going kinetic, meaning shots fired, as we take on violent armed cartels.
The other historical echo from Gen. Marshall’s strategic military warning was his desire to build an Army with leaders that could fight and win the coming war.
It has been announced that a 21st-century version of Marshall’s “plucking board” of his retiring deadwood officers will soon occur in DoD.
As Chief of Staff of the Army, Marshall began wartime preparations by removing senior Army officers who were neither capable nor competent.
In such a move, it has to be noted he also talented-spotted relatively junior officers who became some of the most visionary war time U.S. Army generals in American history.
For example, future five-star generals, including General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower and Gen. Omar Bradley, were lieutenant colonels (O-5) when Marshall warned the president and established his “plucking board’ to remove from line promotion officers he felt lacking.
In today’s very dangerous nuclear-armed world, not only is the military now being focused on defending CONUS, but it also must never fail in deterring China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Good leadership is essential, so it will be interesting to see who is relieved of command.
The late Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld once quipped that As hire As and Bs hire Cs.
The question is how many B and C admirals and generals have climbed to rank in the political DEI military.
Sadly, we may soon find out, as many may complain after being retired by going on anti-Trump cable shows. Franklin Roosevelt and George Marshall did not have that problem.
Of course, perhaps some of those culled will have supporters who may also resign on their myopic selfish principle and then, perhaps, go on a quest for selfish virtue signaling in the media.
Please do not feel bad for any senior officer leaving, as they have very generous pensions.
Rather, look to and support the troops going up against deadly and nasty enemies who human smuggle children, over 300,000 unaccounted for, or run fentanyl into our cities and towns, killing thousands and thousands of American citizens.
As President Trump has said: “Fight, fight, fight.”
Ed Timperlake, was Principal Director Mobilization Planning and Requirements, Office of The Secretary of Defense, a political appointment by President Reagan. The office was abolished by President Clinton because of a "peace dividend" (Ha!)
Image: Wikimedia Commons, via Picryl // public domain