As Los Angeles (still) burns

I think most observers of the Los Angeles fires are being too polite in not pointing out that the residents in the upscale neighborhoods devastated by the fires are reaping what they have sown. Like most affluent white elites in LA, they possess a self-loathing, nihilistic attitude.  Some of them may even view the fires as a form of social justice visited upon them for imagined past racial inequities or divine retribution for a failure to live in harmony with nature.

Because of a fealty to DEI, they voted for incompetent government officials who have exhibited only negligence and inaction in the lead up to the fires. Now after their neighborhoods have been reduced to smoldering ash, they vent their anger not on the mayor that flew the coop when the fires started, not at the deputy mayor who sits home on administrative leave after he allegedly called in a bomb threat against City Hall, not at the governor for destroying dams and redirecting an abundance of water to flow to smelt in Northern California instead of residents in Southern California, and not at the homeless illegal alien migrants hopped up on speed brandishing blow torches in the underbrush and starting fires across the entire county.

They direct their anger instead at those that won’t accept their conviction that it’s all due to climate change.

We indulge the Left’s neuroses every day. In big ways, like allowing water to be funneled into the ocean instead of reservoirs in a state prone to wildfire, and in small ways, like remembering that the preferred pronouns of LA mayor Bass are she/her (at least I believe that to be the case).

I realize now that those on the left prefer performance art from their leaders rather than legitimate solutions, so I am through with catering to their neuroses. As the performative aspects of our actions take precedence over the practical aspects, we find ourselves confronted with more absurdities: the nurturing of smelt with water meant for SoCal residents, the transformation of the LA fire department into a lesbian sorority, the trips to Ghana to express solidarity with our African brethren, it is all a charade. If we are to put an end to it, we must roll our eyes whenever we hear someone espouse platitudes like Climate Change is Real, Black Lives Matter, or Hate is not Welcome Here. Let LA burn to the ground if its residents won’t wake up.

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