Enough With the Nazi Canard

Democrats’ favorite dance moves are name-calling and demonizing their political opponents. Politics should entail a debate of ideas, aiming to convince a majority of voters that one set of policies is better than one’s opponents.

Republicans mostly embrace ideas of smaller government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, a strong national defense, including the border, adherence to the Constitution, and principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

One can debate how well the Republican establishment lives up to these ideals, but they at least articulate these principles. Democrats instead support nebulous fantasies of diversity, equity, inclusion, hope, change, and joy.

America is amazingly diverse. Equity exists in opportunity but obviously not in the outcome, as the latter requires rigging the game. We have had presidents, cabinet officials, business moguls, tech titans, and entertainment entrepreneurs of many colors and races.

The current administration is inclusive, with several high-level gay appointments or nominations, including the Treasury Secretary.

Democrats are devoid of substantive ideas. Instead, they call their political opponents names – Hitler, Nazi, fascist, hater, homophobe, racist, sexist, and so on. Why debate ideas and policies when you can shut down discussion by calling your opponent a Nazi, one of the most deplorable insults possible?

That’s the Democrats’ go-to dance move at the political sock hop. No rock around the clock, hustle, or the macarena. Instead, it’s simply “You’re a Nazi!”

Democrats’ primary campaign strategy in 2024 was calling candidate Donald Trump either Hitler, a Nazi, or both. It worked out so well for them and their candidates that they are now the House and Senate minority party, and their candidate of joy was a mere spectator at the January 20 inauguration.

No sooner did Trump take his hand off the Bible (or was his hand not on the Bible – another rabbit hole) than Trump’s sidekick and consigliere, Elon Musk, became the new Republican Nazi.

Elon Musk with his arm raised

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The headlines were fast and furious. France 24, representing a country once familiar with and accepting of Nazi salutes, exclaimed, “Elon Musk slammed for controversial Nazi salute at Trump inauguration rally.”

The Brits weighed in too, but unlike France, they fiercely fought the Nazis. According to The Guardian, “The gesture speaks for itself: Germans respond to Musk’s apparent Nazi salute.”

In America, the ever-reliable source of fake news, CNN, piled on: “CNN anchors on Monday implied Tesla CEO Elon Musk had done a Nazi salute while speaking before a crowd of Trump supporters during the day’s inaugural events.”

Hopefully, soon to be defunded or eliminated PBS echoed CNN, “Billionaire Elon Musk gave what appeared to be a fascist salute Monday while making a speech at the post-inauguration celebration for President Donald Trump at the Capital One Arena.”

Unfunny late-night “comedian” Stephen Colbert is doing the Nazi dance, too. “Wow, that sure looked like what it was,” Colbert quipped. “Now, I don’t know if Musk intended to do a Nazi salute. He says he is not a Nazi, but what I do know is people who aren’t Nazis know how to avoid doing a Nazi salute.”

What was this supposed “Heil Hitler” Nazi salute? Why not ask the man who raised his arm? As the New York Post reported: “The billionaire tech titan caused a stir on social media after he placed his right hand over his heart and then extended his arm into the air as he thanked Trump’s supporters on Monday ahead of the Inauguration Day parade.”

Now it seems that raising your hand in the air is a Nazi gesture, but only if you are a Republican. When Democrats do the same, it’s dutifully ignored.

Of course, the Democrat Twitter trolls were all over it. Here’s one named “Jo” posting a video of Musk raising his arm, which looked more like a gesture of thanks from his heart to the audience. But Jo knows better, sharing her New Jersey wisdom: “If you are not outraged by this, you are not fucking paying attention.”

Democrat Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, sharing the intellect of his New Jersey neighbor Jo, performed the Democrat Nazi dance during Elise Stefanik’s Senate confirmation hearing. He asked Stefanik what she thought of Musk doing “two Heil Hitler salutes” at President Trump’s rally.

She shut Murphy down, surprised that he had deemed these questions necessary to ask at her U.N. ambassador confirmation hearing.

It’s not just Democrats; the FBI also does the Nazi dance.

Former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi argued to MSNBC that President Donald Trump’s decision to raise the flags again on August 8, after they had been at half-mast since the El Paso and Dayton shootings in 2019, was a Nazi shout-out.

He explained:

The president said that we will fly our flags at half-mast on 8 August. That’s 8/8.

Now, I’m not going to imply that he did this deliberately but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House.

The numbers 8/8 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movements.

Why? Because the letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet and to [neo-Nazis] the numbers 8/8 together stand for Heil Hitler.

Mr Trump issued a directive on 4 August, ordering the US flag to be flown at half-staff at the White House and public and military buildings.

Democrats have lost their minds when raising an arm or acts performed on random dates are construed as Nazi gestures. But, of course, these accusations are strictly confined to Republicans. What about when Democrats salute Hitler? Here are but a few examples:

 Alexandria Ocasio Cortez makes a salute

Or see this.

The Anti-Defamation League had a sensible response: “It seems that @elonmusk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on edge.”

No kidding. Musk is an awkward guy who has said he has Asperger’s syndrome on the autism spectrum and is understandably exuberant about joining the Trump movement on top of his other monumental business and tech accomplishments.

Only unhinged Democrats, corporate media, and other assorted Trump haters construe a raised Republican arm as a Nazi gesture.

The Babylon Bee nailed it.

When everyone is Hitler, no one is Hitler. And his atrocities are reduced to memes and parody, not the legacy the Holocaust deserves.

Remember Dwight D. Eisenhower’s admonition, “Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history, some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

Calling everyone Hitler, whether Elon Musk waving his arm or Donald Trump’s “fine people” hoax, destroys the holocaust history, just as Eisenhower warned.

This commonly circulated meme sums it up.

The media and their Democrat allies are not serious about America or governing. They should keep up the nonsense, as it worked so well in the 2024 elections. While Trump and his team run circles around them and make America great again.

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a physician and writer.

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Image: Screen shot from X video

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