The rape of Europa, approved by its leaders
Western Europe is squandering its Enlightenment.
It appears dead set on returning to darkness (emphasis on dead).
Consider this: British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is apparently onboard with threatening to arrest Americans -- thousands of miles away across the Atlantic Ocean -- if they dare to criticize, or even speak of, the Pakistani/Muslim rape gangs that have been assaulting the little girls of his nation for many years now.
Can anyone, or anything, be more batsh*t crazy than that? Starmer is apparently the product of modern-day public schooling and has forgotten that England’s erstwhile ‘colonies’ declared independence way back in 1776. He may also be unaware that, though England still has a king, he does not have power over the rest of the world -- and, also, he isn't one, anyway.
Nonetheless, the prime minister is on record as essentially saying that those criticizing the actions and policies of his government will face “the full force of the law.”
He stressed that “the criminal law applies online as well as offline.”
Britain’s police, Home Office, National Crime Agency, and Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) are all working to ensure people are prosecuted for online criminal activity, according to reports. And these unapproved online comments may lead to prison time, if England’s finest have their way. When “science” is used to quell inquiry, dissent, and speech, a nation is effectively done for.
Starmtrooper should focus on trying to keep England from further sliding into irrelevancy, rather than on antagonizing what turned out to be the best friend and partner it has ever had. If British citizens -- like those of California -- weren't lobotomized by progressive propaganda and enervated by a creeping Marxism, they would force the crazy treasonous moron to resign.
London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News back in August that British officials would not only be cracking down on British citizens for unfavored commentary on the anti-rape gang riots then occurring in the United Kingdom but would go after American citizens as well.
Rowley stated, "We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”
Who the hell does he think he is? Does he think ‘Rule Britannia’ is still a thing and that the sun never sets on the British empire? And that it is now a Marxist police state? (O.K., that last part seems accurate.)
As it happens, I myself have written several pieces extremely critical of British politicians’ malfeasance as regards these rape gangs. Am I to be on the receiving end of British justice?
Excuse me, there is someone at my door. I see a couple of black Rolls-Royces bearing Union Jacks in the driveway. Wonder what they want?
If so, bring me my guns. There are reasons we once revolted against this crew. They called it the American Revolution.
Image: Liz West, via Flickr // CC BY 2.0 Deed