Restore the rule of law: pardon them all
So. Biden pardoned the treasonous Mark Milley, pretty much everyone involved with the corrupt J6 Committee, the Biden Crime Family and notably, Capitol Police Officers who testified before that committee. Why would pardons for police officers be necessary? Aren’t they supposed to always be honest, to write nothing but completely honest, factual reports? Aren’t they supposed to always, when testifying, tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Why yes, they are, so why did Biden pardon them?
Graphic: Twitter Screenshot
Biden took pains to tell us we should not think these pardons indications of guilt. He told us a lot of things—whenever his lips were moving in fact—that turned out not to be true.
With that in mind, consider this from the invaluable Kurt Schlichter:
The fact is we have a dual-track justice system, which is intolerable. That means we must not tolerate it. That means we must not accept it. That means we must not pretend that any verdict rendered by it is fair or valid. That means we must not allow the people who imposed it upon us in order to silence us, intimidate us, and exact vengeance upon us for the crime of defying them to succeed.
All of the J6 prosecutions are illegitimate, not because the actions of the J6 defendants are all pristine – the vast majority are guilty only of thinking that as part of the People, they had a right to walk through the People’s House – but because they were not treated exactly the same way as those politically aligned with the people persecuting them. And there is no way to undo the taint of the two-tier justice system. There are reports that President Trump will commute sentences to get people out of prison, then follow up with a pardon “process” to evaluate each conviction. No, no, no. Every conviction – every single one, including those by people forced to plead guilty (and they were forced) – is tainted by the actions of the DOJ, the actions of biased judges, and the fact that the venue in DC was manifestly unjust. No J6 conviction can stand. Every conviction was unfair and unjust.
But pardoning them would make us just like Democrat/socialists/communists (D/s/cs)! It would be just like Joe Biden! It would be throwing away the rule of law just to get back at them! No. It wouldn’t.
Every day across the nation, violent, malevolent criminals walk. They get off on “technicalities,” that really aren’t. They walk because cops screwed up, because prosecutors screwed up, because corrupt or incompetent judges screwed up and sometimes purposely rigged proceedings, but mostly, because the system worked. Defendant’s rights were violated, inadvertently or purposely, and when that happens, they get the benefit of the doubt—innocent until proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One can reasonably argue about the exclusionary rule and similar legal principles, but when the potentially guilty go free because the system violated their rights or was rigged, that’s not violating the rule of law, but upholding it.
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But some of the J6 defendants attacked police officers! Perhaps, but Schlichter is right. The entire DC system of justice is a cesspool, rigged against every one of the J6 defendants from the DOJ prosecutors to the corrupt, political judges to the juries, and to the Capitol Police who were so rigorously honest and ethical, Joe Biden gave them preemptive pardons. D/s/c favored thugs like Antifa and BLM attack police officers every day, and they’re seldom, if ever, prosecuted, so spare the faux concern over police officers. What remains is it’s not possible for Normal Americans, Republicans among them, to get a fair trial in DC, and this is true in spades for J6 accused.
The savage cruelty and maliciousness of the corrupt Department of Justice and FBI must be repudiated. President Donald Trump must pardon every single one of their victims. There is no other alternative. There is no compromise. Anything less than a total repudiation of this pogrom validates the unspeakable evil perpetrated upon these patriotic citizens.
Many J6 defendants have already been in prison for years. Many suffered medieval conditions in solitary confinement in the DC jail. By any reasonable, just, moral standard, they’ve suffered enough for what will almost certainly be proved to be a government-provoked “riot.” There was no insurrection. American government was never in the slightest danger of overthrow. Congress critters were never in danger.
It's time for the lies and coverups to stop. The process of ending the two-tiered, D/s/c system of injustice begins with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Step two is unconditional pardons for everyone involved. Step three is complete, non-politicized investigations of the J6 Committee, the DOJ and everyone involved in weaponing justice against Americans. Step four is doing actual, non-political justice against all who actually broke the law, affording them full due process. Bring those pardoned before Congress, where they can’t plead the fifth, and when they lie, prosecute them for that.
That’s the rule of law. We’ve missed it.
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Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.