A banner day for America
No longer will the pride! flag or BLM banner wave over U.S. government buildings.
Thank the Lord.
And Donald Trump.
The Trump State Department reportedly issued a "One Flag" policy on Monday, the very day Trump was inaugurated.
The Washington Free Beacon obtained a copy of the corresponding memo, which stated: "Starting immediately, only the United States of America flag is authorized to be flown or displayed at U.S. facilities, both domestic and abroad, and featured in U.S. government content." Hallelujah!
Finally, some sanity. This is in no way a slight against the LGBTQ community or Black folks. Explicitly Christian, Muslim or Buddhist flags should not be flown above U.S. government buildings, either. Neither should a “heterosexual pride” flag … if there was such a thing. No Capricorn or Pisces pendants. No Jolly Roger. No banner for Walmart, Costco, or Chick-fil-A. No Yankees, Dodgers, or Cowboys pennants. No red flags, no false flags, no freak flags. And certainly no white flags. Ever. No other ensigns, streamers, or mastheads.
Just the Star-Spangled Banner. Old Glory.
For it’s a Grand Old Flag. Forever in peace may it wave.
Why needlessly cause consternation, anger, divisiveness, envy, and conflict? Fostering unity should not be controversial.
There should be one flag, representing one nation … and one people.
Image: Pixabay, via Picryl // Pixabay License