Melania’s new portrait
Compared to gnarly Jill Biden, Melania Trump is not only very smart indeed, but beautiful on the inside and outside. Part of her charisma exudes from her natural nurturing aura. However, in her latest portrait it appears the photographer coaxed her into a toxic masculinity posture.
Ultimately, considerations of fashion seem petty while many of our fellow citizens are suffering. Nevertheless, official portraits are nostalgically consigned to various archives. In Melania’s latest official pose, it sure seems that she is dressing “en homme,” while enacting an unnatural, masculine stance. Maybe that doesn’t suit her.
The accompanying description of the new portrait somewhat accurately reflects what our lying eyes see. For example, the author writes, “[f]rom the suit to the stance, the new portrait feels carefully orchestrated to exude a kind of power that feels at odds with the first lady's traditional role of softening a presidency in the public's eyes -- and making it feel more human [emphasis added].”
“More human”? I beg to differ. While she remains ravishing, it makes her look something of a cliché, like Meghan Markle from the show Suits, who is overly keen to assume a power role. Melania’s mystique is powerful all right, but in a more feminine kind of way.
Her first portrait, released in 2017, is much lovelier. She’s more smiley, soft, yet still an elegant enigma as she projects a more natural, feminine power.
Melania is an incredible woman. While the word “respect” is thrown around willy-nilly, she truly deserves it. For example, she speaks more languages more astutely than many speak one. Her natural, God-given talents (refined and developed with hard work over the years), speak for themselves. Talents which flourish more in a traditional First Lady role, such as hostess and advocate for overlooked Americans.
Now that the commonsensical obvious has been officially recognized -- there are two genders (go figure) -- it’s nice to know the fairer sex is empowered to be unashamedly lovely -- especially on the inside. Melania is doing her part the help Make America Beautiful Again.
For sure, inner beauty matters most, but it should be recognized that refining one’s skin-deep beauty is making a comeback, and that’s beyond criticism. For example, cosmetic companies like Ulta Beauty are reaping high profits -- look at the stock performance since Election Day. Indeed, post-election (November and December) online cosmetic sales saw a robust 12.2% rise, the second biggest year-over-year category change.
There’s nothing sexist or otherwise wrong with acknowledging those market developments. As one AT contributor noted (along with the accompanying article comments), there can be a symbiotic relationship between inner beauty and respect for one’s outer appearance.
Of course, Melania doesn’t need to cover up any blemishes. Her traditional beauty and agreeable deportment are best “suited” towards a more traditional First Lady role such as commiserating with, comforting, consoling, calming, cheering, and championing the less fortunate amongst us.
No wonder President Trump dances so much -- he is one lucky Commander-in-Chief to be immersed in Melania’s mystique. Rarely has a woman been more suited to a traditional First Lady role.
Image: White House/Daniel Torok