Incredible as it may seem to me, this brief post will likely appear ‘mean’ or ‘insensitive’ to some—perhaps even an American Thinker reader or two. But it should not—and is meant only for illustrative purposes…and in support of reality. (That said, some years ago a friend opined to me, “Reality is only for those who just can’t deal with drugs.” I hope he is still with us.)
Anyway, here goes: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently derided a new policy banning men from women’s restrooms on U.S. Capitol grounds, claiming that those who support the policy are “endangering girls of all kinds.” This is not true. In fact, it is the opposite of true. First of all, there is no such thing as “girls of all kinds” in the sense that she meant it…meaning girls of the boy kind, or ‘trans women.’ Secondly, the new policy does not “endanger” anyone, but protects the vast majority of actual females from being uncomfortable or feeling unsafe.
If I identify as a Dallas Cowboy, it doesn’t “endanger” me if I can’t use the team’s bathroom or locker-room. Period. The same holds true were I to identify as a New York Yankee, Boston Celtic, or Chicago Blackhawk. The difference is, it wouldn’t potentially endanger them if I did.
Similarly, if I identify as a flathead catfish it doesn’t “endanger” me if I can’t swim in the river with them. If I identify as a Radio City Music Hall Rockette, it doesn’t “endanger” me if I’m not allowed to dance across the stage with them. Neither physically nor mentally. If I believe it will “endanger” me mentally to be unable to do so, it simply shows I am already in desperate need of help. Period.
Instead of calling a spade a spade, you can call it a heart. That much is true. But that doesn’t make it one. You can also call a club a diamond, but it can never truly be one. As Ben Shapiro notes, “facts don’t care about your feelings.” The truth is the truth. Better to get one’s feelings aligned with the facts and the truth than to try to change them into what they can never be. Harsh? Maybe. Fact? Yes.
And the world would be a better place if we all dealt with that, rather than chasing unicorns over rainbows.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.