More femicide in Europe

Just today at Remix News there are five separate headlines highlighting violence perpetrated against females, specifically because of their biological sex. You can read about the African man who beat and robbed “with great force” at least ten elderly women between the ages of 61 and 93 in Paris earlier this year; or the Somalian “refugee” who “felt like” raping a young girl he “wanted to get to know”; or the Afghan migrant who reportedly bashed his young, 20-year-old wife in the head before drowning her in a bathtub in Germany; or the “failed asylum seeker” from Lebanon who stalked his ex-wife’s location and stabbed her to death outside the women’s shelter (also in Germany) where she’d been living; or about the Syrian man who took revenge on his ex-fiancée by burning alive her sister at their family home, again, also in Germany. (This same individual had “violently abused” his almost-wife before the marriage was called off.)

Now, there aren’t any specifics as to the national background of the “African” man who victimized little old ladies, but what do the other four home nations have in common? Well, they’re all third world, and they’re all majority Muslim.

And how do these nations treat women? Well, terribly. In fact, it’s so bad in Afghanistan since the Taliban took back over (a round of applause for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Antony Blinken), that a top court at the European Union recently ruled that by virtue of being female and from Afghanistan, an Afghan woman has enough to qualify for asylum. Since that ruling, the Taliban has decreed that women are no longer permitted to pursue nursing or midwifery educations, “which critics said effectively removed the last remaining opportunity for Afghan women and girls to seek higher education.” According to an updated ranking from this year, three of the above-mentioned nations (Somalia, Syria, and Afghanistan) made it into the top ten worst countries to be a woman.

Unbeknownst to Western progressive women, the West is actually where women possess the most rights, freedoms, and protections in the world—I’d argue to a dreadful degree considering these same women’s obsession with baby murder, which is unequivocally harmful to all involved, but especially the mothers.

All these tragedies serve as unnecessary reminders that importing the third world means importing their anti-woman attitudes too.

See also Andrea Widburg’s “The most popular boys’ name in England and Wales sounds the UK’s death knell”.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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