The Democrat Party is the definition of narcissism

When you sum up the Democrat party today, it screams narcissism. That is why Democrats do not change, but will always double down on their agenda. Narcissism is almost impossible to change or treat. We all who have known narcissists know this to be true. 

Some of the traits of narcissism are widely published and accepted. 


  • A self-inflated sense of importance -- They refuse to debate issues. This is why they ignored the concerns of the American people and lost the 2024 election. They had their own agenda but the American people did not like it. The Democrat party did not care. 
  • Demands admiration -- They hold parades and demand special dates and months of the year to “celebrate” their causes. They insist we all participate and/or support them.
  • Envious and jealous -- They verbally attack those who disagree with them, for example, they hate “the rich.” Many have TDS and hate the MAGA movement.
  • Emotionally sensitive -- They whine, complain, and use personal attacks when anyone disagrees with them. They always seem to be complaining about something, screaming that it is “unfair.” 
  • Unable to handle criticism -- They strike with personal attacks, avoiding the issue.
  • Disregard for boundaries and borders -- Our opinion cannot differ, they have unrealistic expectations of us and are globalists who do not respect our space or our country’s borders.
  • Use guilt, and shame to manipulate -- If you disagree with them, you don’t matter. They will either argue or play the shame game. 
  • Lash out with anger and rage -- When they don’t get their way. (They hold 95% of the protests and riots but it is never okay if the other side does the same). Name-calling and personal attacks may even go so far as to incite violent behavior.
  • Weaponize their appearance -- To suit their unrealistic expectations (color their hair bright primary colors, wear revealing and inappropriate clothing and items) and dare anyone to comment negatively on them for their appearance. They are “in our faces.” 
  • Delusional -- Believe in things that just are not so -- like switching sexes for “gender-affirming care.” They block research that would contradict their worldviews and insist on physicians performing the type of surgery they request.
  • Work to break up relationships -- They have manipulated our school system so that children are trained, (not educated) to believe in what they teach and therefore upset the family unit.
  • Love drama and chaos -- it covers up a lot of what they want to do, which we do not agree with.

I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist, but the information is online and is easy to verify. One or two traits do not make a narcissist, but more than just a few are suspicious. And the Democrat party seems to express all of them. 

We need to call them out for what they are. Until they get new people who are mentally healthy, (if they would allow it), they will remain in the same position they are today. And if we are lucky, they will eventually become more and more irrelevant.

Which is just fine with me. Pass the popcorn! 

Image: Caravaggio

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