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February 3, 2025
Leftists flail in quest to politicize DEI-inspired air tragedy
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s paid attention to the news in the Trump era, but frustrated liberals pulled a “Charlottesville” on President Trump and Republicans last week, taking something the new commander-in-chief said in the aftermath of the tragic plane crash and contorting the argument into an entirely different meaning.
In other words, to them, Trump failed to articulate the message leftists thought was appropriate under the circumstances and instinctively leaped to condemn him as insensitive and uncaring in the face of suffering.
And racist. Don’t forget that one.
As best I can synopsize their whiny indignation, leftists objected to the president’s bringing DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) into the post-crash national conversation, blatantly accusing him of seizing the opportunity to blame political correctness to score political points with the equally insensitive and unfeeling MAGA base. You know, the tens of millions who voted for Trump despite his amply-established reputation for being, well, unfeeling and uncaring.
Was DEI hovering in the skies over the Potomac River? At this early juncture, it’s difficult to say for sure, though it’s common knowledge there’s a shortage of air traffic controllers throughout the nation -- and the DEI practices of the previous administration almost assuredly contributed to there not being enough behinds (of any race) in the seats of those big control towers we see erected by any airport.
This lack of manpower (or womanpower, etc.) is especially acute in the vicinity of Reagan National Airport, where flying things of all types are frequently employed. In addition to being one of the busiest commercial airports found anywhere, there are several military bases in the region. Divvying up the airspace is a multifaceted operation. And being an air traffic controller is a complex job, one that should be, as the president believes, based on merit and aptitude, not due to gender, skin color, sexual orientation – or political party affiliation.
Nonetheless, the usual opportunistic Trump-hating suspects crawled out from under the floorboards like cockroaches in a filthy house to tear into Trump for what he said. In his weekly Five Quick Things column titled “Scenes From A Commonsense Revolution,” Scott McKay wrote at The American Spectator:
You get the impression Trump has more information about this crash than the public when he goes off on DEI in the wake of it. Lots of people reacted to his rather caustic tirade by complaining that he was ‘politicizing’ the crash, which is rich since for 20 years Democrats never even let the bodies of victims of mass shootings get cold before demanding everyone forfeit our Second Amendment rights and of course that isn’t ‘politicization.’Trump usually doesn’t go off half-cocked when he comes on this strong, though. He’s constantly accused of it and then something comes out which validates him.So when he rips into DEI following that plane crash, you know it’s a function of something pretty nasty.
One would think.
It’s common sense. People who are honest and have observed Trump throughout his life understand he doesn’t waste time on pet theories or tangential tidbits of idle gossip when action is demanded. He goes straight for the jugular.
If this latest circumstance were analogous to the “Karate Kid,” Trump would employ the “Crane kick” after having his leg swept in competition.
If indeed there is a shortage of personnel that contributed to the accident, Trump surmised it’s a wholly fixable problem, assuming there are enough qualified applicants of all types willing to endure the stress and high pressures of the position.
And if it’s a solvable situation, and it’s further found that a dearth of adequate control directly led to the loss of 67 lives – then you bet your bottom dollar DEI should be brought into the discussions.
The mere mention of the DEI = incompetence concept stirred a furious reaction from the left. Predictable? Seriously? Exactly what are liberals suggesting, anyway -- that merely bringing up the DEI topic in any context is taboo? What is this, the Biden administration?
This kerfuffle is another media-generated outrage fest that sidesteps the real issues because the left hates Trump so much.
Plain and simple.
They didn’t like what he said at the time he said it, because they don’t like him. Just like in August, 2017, after the leftist scum vs. Nazi scum riot in central Virginia.
Suppose, if it’s possible, that Democrats and other leftists could agree on the perfect verbiage for him to articulate from a teleprompter – who knows, maybe written by Karine Jean-Pierre herself, and proofread by one of cackling Kamala Harris’s speechwriters.
It wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t have been good enough for the reactionary haters.
“We’re the only ones qualified to assess what Jesus meant.”
Making matters worse, if it’s even possible, their criticisms often involve allusions to being “Christian” and adding interpretations of what it means to authentically adhere to the Gospel – followed up by analysis and finger-pointing on how Trump is a hypocrite because he says certain words or doesn’t act in a manner they claim is proper. These are the people who believe it’s ungodly to desire to deport illegal aliens for whatever reason -- or reduce government welfare expenditures due to fraud or abuse.
The liberals’ bellyaching can be summed up as: “We love Jesus and know him better than you do! Jesus said this and that in chapter X and verse Y and it means you love Jesus less if you don’t do what we say that you should do! Apostate! To us, living the Gospel means Jesus loved transgenders and blessed homosexual marriages, yet if Trump talks about hiring practices and policies that refer to social causes, get thee gone!
As if Jesus preached for us to ignore plain truth in favor of soft, cushy contemporary interpretations of morality. I don’t remember that lesson in church.
Perhaps liberals were in such rare form because they’d already been fine-tuning their outrage machine over Trump’s announced plan to trim the federal workforce through plain old-fashioned cuts and attrition – by offering them a buyout if they’d accept eight months’ severance pay in exchange for their resignations.
Judging by the sheer horror many of them professed for the plight of the poor picked-on federal workforce, it’s as though the country couldn’t possibly withstand the loss of a single government worker. As would be expected, most of their problems with the reductions focused on what would happen to the individuals themselves … what about their families? Their houses? Their mortgages?
What, you mean there’s no guarantee of employment security for life? How private sector can you get!
Naturally, the mere gesture of trying to trim the toenails of the Fedzilla monster sent the big government advocates and unions into withdrawals, the hysterics only made crueler because Donald Trump was the one signing the executive orders. Various presidents from both parties have made similar offers only to be left unchallenged by those with delicate internal compositions.
Yet, in all of this, liberals and Democrats seem to believe that drumming up a sufficient outrage stank qualifies as taking part in the national “conversation” regarding uncomfortable and challenging problems. As newly sworn-in Transportation Secretary (replacing Pete Buttigieg, of all people) Sean Duffy said, when passengers get on airplanes, they have a reasonable expectation they’ll arrive safely at their destination.
And when they don’t, which is incredibly rare, Americans need to know why.
Donald Trump offered his theory, supported by evidence, that there were discernible factors that led to last week’s tragedy. We need to know that a similar scenario isn’t going to happen again, and our leaders will shift every stone, including the unpleasant ones, to uncover the truth.
That’s something Jesus would appreciate, too.
Image: Screen shot from Fox 35 Orlando video, via YouTube