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May 27, 2010
Graph of the Day for May 27, 2010
"The growth in [college and university] support staff included some jobs that did not exist 20 years ago, like environmental sustainability officers and a broad array of information technology workers. The support staff category includes many different jobs, like residential-life staff, admissions and recruitment officers, fund-raisers, loan counselors and all the back-office staff positions responsible for complying with the new regulations and reporting requirements college face." Tamar Lewin, The New York Times, April 2009.
Source: John Uebersax, based on Bureau of Labor and College Board data.

Source: Carpe Diem blog, Professor Mark Perry.
Hoven's Index for May 27, 2010
Changes in colleges and universities in the last 20 years:
Student enrollment: +40%
Full-time instructors: +50%
Managers: +50%
Full-time support staff: +100%
Source: The New York Times.
Graph of the Day Archive.