When Will a National Voter Fraud Investigation of ACORN Begin?

Almost daily, news stories covering the current voter fraud investigation in Afghanistan are reported across the oceans. The barrage of stories ought to cause Americans to pause and remember the little unresolved issue in the United States. Whatever happened with the investigation into ACORN and the 2008 election? The organization did register a mere 1,315,037 voters by October for the 2008 presidential election.

And, we must not forget about the Minnesota fiasco in which Minnesotans ended up with Senator Al Franken even though Norm Coleman led by 725 votes -- the morning after the election!

The voter fraud investigation in Afghanistan raises the obvious question: Why hasn’t a national investigation of ACORN ever materialized in the United States?

Maybe a national investigation is what Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe wanted to trigger from their undercover work. Doing the work for mainstream journalists, they re-alerted the country to a dormant issue: The widespread corruption of ACORN.

Everyone knew of the unparalleled voter registration fraud allegations (with accompanying proof of dead people having been registered, etc.) in multiple states during the campaign. One man alone registered nearly 2,000 voters, none of whom actually existed. Everyone knew that charges were brought against ACORN members as related to the 2008 election. Everyone knew that ACORN members had been convicted of voter registration fraud.

It is nothing short of amazing that a massive story with earthshaking implications could just fade away and disappear from the radar screen of the “mainstream” news media.

Where have all the journalists gone?

Scattered indictments across the country may have the effect of punishing individuals, but what about the fairness of the election itself?

Has some statute of limitations run on the investigation of ACORN? No, the only thing limiting investigation is a lack of motivation on the part of the Democrat-controlled Congress and Attorney General’s office.

If Afghans have a right to be assured of fair and honest election results, don’t we?

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