October 6, 2009
UN Quietly Scrubs Embattled Graph from Climate Report
In yesterday’s article, UN Climate Reports: They Lie, we discussed the problems associated with a chart that appeared in the UN’s most recent climate report. One such issue was that the graphic, which claimed to establish a “correlation between temperature and CO2,” used a temperature plot immediately recognizable as the infamously debunked “Hockey Stick Graph.”
And the agency’s timing couldn’t have been worse. For starters, the immediate recognition of MBH98 on page 5 of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Climate Change Science Compendium 2009 sparked email exchanges which lead to this piece at Climate Audit, which, in turn, lead to immediate on-line outrage among many who write on the subject. Then, only days later, CA’s Steve Mcintyre received and analyzed data he had been denied for years, which allowed him to debunk the data alarmists had been using to defend the notion that 20th century warming was unprecedented for the millennium.
But as now reported by Anthony Watts at Watt’s Up With That, UNEP has replaced the embattled graphic, which was taken not from peer-reviewed journals but rather a 2005 Wikimedia posting by an unknown Norwegian research biologist, with a more traditional (and carbon free) chart from GISS. Curiously, no explanation was given for the switch. UNEP simply treated Hanno 2009 in the same deceitful manner they treat the MWP – as though it were never really there.
Here’s the original page 5, as I first saw it on September 24th:

And here’s what you’ll find if you pull the PDF today. Notice the new graph in the upper right hand corner.

Furthermore -- as Anthony correctly points out -- the reconstruction of Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature Change used was Hansen et al. (2006). But that chart has been superseded on the GISS data site by the one below, dated January 2009.

It appears the latest downtrend was just too much truth for these UN “scientists” to handle.
Still -- Any idea what may have prompted UNEP’s sudden chart switch decision?