Dem. leader in Texas House tries to rile up audience over ‘rich people’ who don’t want ‘their’ kids near ‘your’ kids

From behind a podium with a banner that reads “Students Over Billionaires”, Gene Wu, a Democrat leader in the Texas House, screeches about “rich people” who want to redirect their own tax dollars from the public school system to the private schools that their children actually attend, insinuating that it’s about elitism, bigotry, and racism:

Well, as a mother who sends both of her children to a private school (without taxpayer assistance or tax breaks), I have to admit that part of my decision to do so is certainly to keep my children protected from negative peer influence and pressure. I have a vested interest in controlling what kind of people are around my children, particularly in today’s world. If you’re the type of parent that gives your child free reign of the internet, doesn’t limit media consumption, allows the Lord’s name to be taken in vain, disrespects America and her values, and encourages sexual behavior, I absolutely don’t want your kid around my kid, and that’s my prerogative as a mother.

Should I be blamed that I don’t want my children around the disruption, violence, and leftism that plagues public schools? Here’s a little personal anecdote: The private school my children attended when our family lived in Tucson, Arizona, a school to which I paid full-price tuition for both of my sons, took it upon itself to bring in one “disadvantaged” child (Child A) from a bad neighborhood and home into the fifth grade classroom. As expected, his presence was a nightmare; after a semester he was gone, replaced by a new disadvantaged child (Child B)... and the same story unfolded.

Furthermore, school officials felt unable to confront behavior problems because white administrators coming down on two black kids weren’t the best optics in the post-Obama world full of racial tension, so these two students were basically allowed to do whatever they wanted without consequences. Not only was it unfair for every paying family, but a dynamic like this does a disservice to the disadvantaged child, who is not conditioned to participate in society in a healthy and productive way; those school administrators set these boys up for total failure.

I have no shame in saying that I don’t want kids like Child A and Child B in the same classroom as my own, and it has nothing to do with skin color.

But I also resent Wu’s insinuation that private school parents are “rich” elitists. I work extremely hard to provide what I do for my children, and I’m nowhere near being a billionaire. I don’t have the opportunity to send my children to private school because I’m mooching off of others, but because I make wise financial decisions with the money I’ve earned, and I don’t appreciate having to pay for school tuition twice, once for private school and once for public school. The irony is, I choose private because I am prioritizing my sons as students.

Most importantly though, as Corey DeAngelis notes in his post, Wu’s hypocrisy is truly out of this world—Wu himself sends both of his children to private school.

Do these people even listen to themselves?

Image from X

Image from X.

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