WSJ: ‘Green’ energy execs race to Washington D.C. to shore up support with a new PR pitch before Trump’s inauguration

According to a new article by Jennifer Hiller at The Wall Street Journal, executives at “green” energy firms have “gone into defense mode” now that President Trump’s second administration looms on the horizon; Hiller reveals that a number of industry bigwigs recently raced to Washington D.C. to shore up support for their enterprises and the taxpayer handouts they rake in, with a new PR pitch and strategy in tow:

In Washington, D.C., the industry has gone into defense mode. Executives traveled to the capital to meet with Republican members of Congress in December, people familiar with the matter say. Advisers have suggested the industry tweak its talking points. Instead of touting projects as ‘clean and affordable,’ renewables firms are highlighting their projects’ ability to ‘meet energy needs.’

This change in strategy insinuates that even the industry itself recognizes that it’s not “clean and affordable” — which is the lie they’ve been selling along.

Of course, this was obvious to anyone with a brain: the industry demonizes “fossil fuels” while remaining completely reliant on them; there is no proper way to dispose of decommissioned/damaged solar panels which results in highly toxic elements leeching into the ground and water tables when they’re just tossed into landfills; and wind turbines are responsible for a shocking number of wildlife deaths and are destroying biodiversity.

And, anyone with a brain also knew that these weren’t “affordable” ventures—when, in a competitive and relatively free market, an entire energy sector (a commodity that everyone needs) cannot survive without hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies and tax credits, it’s obviously not an affordable product.

The irony though is that the new pitch is just as fraudulent as the old one, as “renewables” categorically cannot replace the demands met by coal, gas and oil…or they would have already done it. How many progressive nations that jumped the gun on the “green” transition had to “bring back coal” for “energy security”? Well, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom to name a few. How many nations have had to slow, or put their “net zero” plans on ice, because they’re just not feasible? Too many to count. Heck, even the mainstream media acknowledges that meeting the growing energy demand and meeting “emissions reductions” targets are mutually exclusive endeavors.

Here’s a question I’d like to pose to Democrats: Can we finally put the fantasy out to pasture and start dealing in facts all together?

Beacuase, to be honest, I am getting pretty tired of these people voting away my money.

flying money

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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