Will Elon Musk bring down the British government over the grooming gang cover-up?

My X feed suddenly started featuring posts about the infamous and utterly heinous story that Muslim rape gangs in Northern England had, for more than three decades (from the late 1970s to 2013), exploited hundreds of thousands of British children. Worse, they were enabled by British police and politicians afraid of “inflaming tensions” with the Muslim population.

Why the sudden interest in an 11-year-old story? It turns out that Elon Musk, who is unafraid of being imprisoned by Britain’s increasingly totalitarian government, learned about what happened and went on an X rampage, forcing the story into the daylight, including PM Keir Starmer’s apparent role in the cover-up.

Here’s what I was able to piece together:

Beginning in the 1970s and accelerating hard and fast in the 1990s, Yorkshire, once the most English region in the UK, became the primary destination outside of London for Pakistani immigrants. In 2013, news broke that Muslim rape gangs had been sexually exploiting non-Muslim children in Rotherham, a town in Yorkshire. That was terrible, but what made the story a scandal was that the police and government had known about these gangs and had done nothing for fear of “inflaming” the Muslim population.

Image by Grok.

As time went by, it became clear that the grooming wasn’t limited to Rotherham. In one town and city after another across Britain (although mostly in the North and the Midlands), the same pattern was revealed: Muslims were horrifically exploiting non-Muslim British children while the authorities deliberately turned a blind eye.

The past might have stayed in the past were it not for Elon Musk, who became aware of a debate on X about Muslim immigration to the UK. The debate started by talking about Muslim immigration generally, with a leftist saying it worked wonderfully and Sam Bidwell, a conservative, giving chapter and verse about its failures. In that tweet, he said, “We still have dozens of towns which bear the scars of Pakistani grooming gangs, who targeted young girls because they were white.”

Naturally, a leftist challenged him to name those “dozens” of towns. Bidwell obliged with a list of 20 towns (and commenters added more), and Elon Musk took notice:

When Elon Musk notices something, the world notices. On January 1, while physical bombs went off in New Orleans and Las Vegas, Musk ignited a fact bomb on X when he retweeted a post by Ian Miles Cheong about the rape gangs:

The short video tells the story of just one exploited child and the police and judicial response (which was to victimize the victim). The moment Musk reposted that tweet, he must have started receiving a lot of information, not just about what happened in the past, but about PM Keir Starmer and his government.

Suddenly, Musk was on fire, retweeting to the tens of millions who read his tweets story after story about the horrors the Muslim gangs inflicted on British children and about institutional British complicity, with everyone—the government, the police, and the media—covering up and downplaying what happened.

Musk also retweeted this thread (which I urge you to read), giving a detailed history about the rape gangs and the institutional cover-up.

After just a few of these retweets, Musk stated the obvious, which is that many in the British government need to go to jail and that Reform UK is Britain’s only hope:

There are now hundreds, perhaps thousands, of posts about the rape gangs flooding X, all because Musk got hold of a tweet thread about immigration. Tommy Robinson, whom the British government has persecuted relentlessly for speaking out about the Islamic gangs, got Musk’s attention, too:

This revisiting of past events might have died there were it not for the fact that Musk discovered PM Starmer’s role in the grooming gang story. First, he retweeted a report that, back in October, Jess Phillips, the Labour Party’s ironically named “Minister for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls,” blocked a nationwide inquiry into the gangs, saying that, while rape is bad and inquiries are good, all inquiries should be conducted at a purely local level, leaving the British government out of it:

Musk was not pleased:

(Musk later discovered that the Tories were equally complicit in covering up what happened. The British government, left and right, is a club.)

And then Musk discovered that Starmer himself may have been part of the cover-up:

With Elon Musk reminding people of what happened and exposing the fact that, even now, at least one of the gang leaders is still living comfortably in Britain despite a nine-year-old deportation order and another one received a peerage, the dam of cowed silence in Britain is beginning to break.

That Musk is forcing awareness on the British people matters because the British thought police are out there. If you make people (read: Muslims or so-called “transgenders”) uncomfortable (read: angry), you will be arrested. Freedom of speech and thought is dead in Britain, and that’s true whether Labour or Tory leads the government. Their politicians are afraid of alienating Muslim voters, who now make up sizable, activist voting blocs. If you’re in the government and try to speak, you will be silenced.

This has been a long post, and it could easily be ten times as long. I’ll leave you with two tweets from this morning, both affirming that Musk wants to bring down the Labour government (and, as he said, get Reform UK in power):

And as you’ll inevitably hear leftists shriek about Musk’s billions, please note that Musk isn’t effecting this change by using his money to drive secret backroom dealings. He’s doing it solely by exposing people to the truth—especially the people of Britain, who can almost certainly handle the truth but who are forbidden to speak it.

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