Trump’s January 6 pardons cause Rep. Cleaver to live in fear

Newly-inaugurated President Donald Trump’s proclamation pardoning more than 1,500 defendants involved in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6, 2021, has elicited a statement from a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (and a former Kansas City mayor) Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) condemning Trump’s actions.

In the spirit of full disclosure, let me make it plain here that I am not a fan of Cleaver, who, as a Methodist pastor, also goes by “Reverend Cleaver.” I have written about him several times before in American Thinker, of which one example can be found here.

Cleaver’s statement about the pardons of those charged in the events of Jan. 6 reads as follows:

January 6, 2021, was one of the darkest days in American history. As the world looked on and Americans witnessed with their own eyes, President Trump incited an insurrection in an effort to illegally extend his hold on the presidency and prevent the peaceful transfer of power. As a result of the chaos and violence that ensued, more than 100 police officers were injured, several died of their injuries, and the U.S. Capitol building was desecrated, with blood, feces, and other bodily fluids smeared within the halls of Congress. As I reflect on the horrors of that day, it is deeply shocking, but not the least bit surprising.

Image: YouTube screen grab (edited).

As you can see, Cleaver is only too eager to repeat and perpetuate the brazen lies that characterize the Democrat narrative of the events of that day, not the least of which is that police officers died as a result. Those lies were also repeated in the kangaroo court-like “hearings” of the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol that the Democrats staged and conducted and which I wrote about here.

Cleaver also made public remarks in which he lamented that Trump’s pardons would now cause him to live in fear because insurrectionists, including persons affiliated with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers (which he, of course, identifies as racist and white supremacist groups), are back on the street and running loose.

May I remind everyone (especially those with short or selective memories) that Cleaver, who never tires of perpetuating the canard that all conservatives are inherently racist, raised a great hue and cry back in 2010 with his claim that, at a Tea Party rally, he had been assaulted by being spat upon and called “the N-word”?

To the best of my knowledge, there has never been any corroboration, evidence, or testimony from any witnesses to support Cleaver’s claim. Those of us who attended Tea Party rallies, as well as others who can distinguish truth from lies, viewed his claim as a massive and particularly fragrant pile of Bravo Sierra.

But, as his latest statement shows that the Reverend Cleaver, like so many of his fellow Democrats, never gets too far from his old playbook and is unencumbered by any compulsion to be credible, it will not surprise me one bit should a similar tale from him soon be forthcoming.

Stu Tarlowe has, since 2010, contributed over 160 pieces to American Thinker. He also publishes a Substack newsletter, Stu’s Stack o’ Stuff (the name is an homage to Rush Limbaugh), the subject matter of which is not strictly limited to political topics; subscriptions are currently free, although Tarlowe still harbors the fantasy of being paid to write.

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