Thousands of Colombians protest leftist leader Petro who jacked with Trump over deportation flights; Petro spews crazed rants on X

Is there some kind of implosion going on in Colombia?

Hours after President Trump announced sanctions on the onetime ally for refusing to accept two planeloads of repatriated illegals after agreeing to take them, Colombia's far-left president, Gustavo Petro, now has massive street protests from the locals angry over the foolish fight he picked.

The locals have very good reasons for being angry:.

The U.S. imports 17% of its coffee from Colombia. But 40% of all of Colombia's exports go to the U.S. A 50% tariff is going to hurt them more than a reciprocal tariff will hurt us. It comes just as Valentine's Day is around the corner, which is probably Colombian flower farmers' biggest payday of the year. Say goodbye to that if these tariffs go through.

Meanwhile, Colombia's top export is not coffee or flowers, but oil -- and almost all of it goes to the U.S. A 50% tariff would be disastrous.

He seems to be sacrificing the entire Colombian economy for the sake of a few criminals, which is an amazing trade:

Petro must have seen the protests because he went into a crazed, 688-word meltdown:

His rantings were those of a crazed leftist, yelling about going to black neighborhoods in Washington, D.C., and watching blacks fighting Mexicans, liking '60s flower child icons Walt Whitman, Paul Simon and Noam Chomsky, his devotion to executed killers Sacco and Vanzetti, icons of communists, "murdered by fascists," whimperings about Trump being racist against him, despite his white as snow skin with bright blue eyes, calls to drink whisky with Trump despite his gastritis, claims that Trump is trying to enact a coup to him comparable to what happened to Chilean Marxist dictator Salvador Allende, meaning, Trump is Pinochet, who got blamed for the reaction, then rants about resisting torture, resisting Trump, then gibberish about yellow butterflies and some colonel he identifies with, then putrid poetry of '60s leftists about peoples of the winds, the mountains, the sea, blah blah, then a wild juxtaposition of Lincoln, COVID, Tuscany, white slavers, battlefields, and other flaming garbage, then bravado about martyrdom and all humanity rising up when Trump kills him. After that, a jaunt into the caliphate of Cordoba, Spain, the Roman Latins of the Mediterranean, the Athenian Greeks, African songs, Egyptian pharaohs, Chiribiquete artists, Simon Bolivar, the Panamanian soldiers that were supposedly killed during the U.S. invasion of the 1990s, an assassinated Colombian presidential candidate named Gaitan whose death in 1948 triggered all the guerrilla warfare Colombia has suffered from, then Castro-like blockade talk which is baloney believed only by Venceremos Brigade types, then whimperings on the nature of beauty, finally the point of the tweet, which was to announce 50% tariffs on U.S. goods, and more godawful bad poetry about Colombia growing corn to feed the world.

It was the single craziest rant ever put out by a world leader on X. He sounded like he had been drinking or maybe doing lines of cocaine.   

And he couldn't stop himself:

I think he called the U.S. "a dump." He's still going -- babbling about beauty and visas or something:

Naturally, he knew who his best intellectual ally was:

The reviews weren't flattering:

Venezuelan journalist Germania Poleo called him a toddler:

Even Gutfeld was stupefied:

Tom Wolfe would have been astonished.

News about his crazed and grotesque past went out:

And this isn't over:

Team Trump's foreign policy team, meanwhile, moved on Petro like coordinated clockwork, starting with Rep. Carlos A. Gimenez taunting him as the biggest fool of all time and expressing solidarity with the marching Colombians:

Google Translate:
This writing is incoherent and to be expected from a total lunatic. You have become the laughing stock of the entire region. Poor our Colombian brothers who definitely do not want to go down the path of Castrochavismo that @petrogustavo is implementing.

This, too:

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson put out this message to all the potential Petros out there:

In the Senate, pro-Trump Sen. Bernie Moreno of Ohio, who is of very well-connected Colombian heritage, moved in on sanctions for Petro, too:

Secretary of State Marco Rubio yanked visas:

And Trump was annoyed that Petro interrupted his Sunday golf game:

... setting the pincer movements in motion.

Now Petro is choking on protests and his kids got their visas to Disney World or some place like it yanked:

I hope he goes down like Rumplestiltskin, which seems to be the track he's one, self-destructing before our very eyes over a few flights of criminals, a bad dose of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and the idiocy of picking a fight with his most critical trade and military partner.

Colombia and the U.S. are the most natural of allies, but Colombia is now being run by a madman and Colombians are not going to take it anymore. Petro revealed himself in all his Marxist glory just because of the power of President Trump. He's the "perfect Latin American idiot," as Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Carlos Alberto Montaner, and Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza (a Colombian) wrote in their pitch-perfect book about his type.

Colombians deserve better. Let's hope they throw Petro out over this, sooner, rather than later. It's time to haul this crazed Marxist off to the lunatic asylum.

Image: National Police of Colombia, via Wikipedia // CC BY-SA 2.0

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