New study condemning certain kitchen utensils was based on a ‘major math error’

It is amazing how many reports, meant to scare the public into compliance, are so wrong. No matter how often this occurs, most of the media just repeats what they are told, which makes them worthless, and dangerous.

A new report, obviously not seriously reviewed, came out earlier this month about plastic utensils and packages being extremely toxic, and people destroyed their plastic utensils based on this (false) report. Yet, turns out they were totally wrong in their calculations:

But the study authors made a math mistake, miscalculating how much of potentially toxic flame retardants a 132-pound person could safely ingest.

The Environmental Protection Agency's ‘reference dose’ of these chemicals for a 132-pound person actually works out to 420,000 nanograms a day, not the 42,000 nanograms the researchers used − meaning the amount that can be safely consumed is 10 times larger than they presumed.

The report was 900% off, yet the researchers said their conclusion was essentially correct, as the calculation error “does not affect the overall conclusion of the paper.” What pure BS. Why should anyone believe the lower estimate when they made a 900% error on the first report?

This reminds me of the campaign against plastic straws.

It is astonishing how many supposed experts, especially those within the government, get things completely wrong, yet are never fired and who are still considered an authority. The CBO routinely underestimates (significantly!) costs of entitlement and other spending programs, but their calculations are assumed to be correct. We are over $37 trillion in debt because of bad predictions.

The CBO also routinely overestimates the effects of tax rate cuts which have not cost the government money, yet they still pretend they do. The only government policies I have seen pay for themselves are the tax rate cuts of Reagan, Bush, and Trump.

The experts at Federal Reserve and Treasury somehow didn’t spot that Biden’s policies would jack up inflation, yet they are still considered infallible as they set interest rates. 

The experts at the Department of Labor routinely massively miss estimates of job growth, yet the experts at the Federal Reserve use these false numbers to set interest rates.

Government experts have said that Obamacare, student loans, and daycare subsidies would make things more affordable, but they actually make things much more unaffordable for most of us.

Experts have said that illegal immigration is great for cities and the economy. They are 100% wrong. Open borders are extremely harmful in both the short and long term.

Career experts at the State Department advocated for massive amounts of money to go to the tyrants in Iran. They pretended that this would make the Middle East and world safer, even though appeasement for dictatorial tyrants has never worked.

Fauci and other experts at the CDC spewed forth continuous lies and issued dictatorial edicts that they falsely said were based on science:

  1. They said masks would prevent the spread.
  2. They said COVID easily spread on surfaces.
  3. They said students should be kept out of school to prevent the spread.
  4. They said if you got the vaccine you couldn’t spread or get COVID.
  5. They falsely said Plexiglas would stop the spread.
  6. They falsely said that you must stay six feet, then three feet apart to prevent the spread.
  7. They falsely said that the Wuhan lab as the source was a disproven conspiracy.

Despite the endless lies and the immeasurable damage that has been caused to America, especially the children, almost all the media and other Democrats treat Fauci and others as honest experts instead of intentional spreaders of misinformation.

Experts, in and out of government, have made endless false predictions that the oceans are dying, the sea levels are rapidly rising, storms are getting much worse, and temperatures have reached the tipping point. We have been repeatedly warned that we only have a few years left to solve the problem. Even though the experts have been 100% wrong, the media and other government bureaucrats continue to spread the lie that science is settled and are willing to destroy our quality of life based on the false predictions.

People should believe in their common sense instead of so-called experts. Anyone with common sense and a functioning brain would understand that politicians and bureaucrats who can’t tell the truth about Obamacare, who can’t, or won’t control the border, who lied continuously about COVID, who can’t seem to tell the difference between men and women, and who build up Iran certainly cannot control the climate with all its natural variables.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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