Episcopalian bishop defiles president, voters, and the Washington National Cathedral

Mariann Edgar Budde, an American prelate of the Episcopal Church and Bishop of Washington, conducted the recent inaugural prayer service at Washington National Cathedral.

She deliberately directed her remarks squarely at the incoming president, pleading with him to cease being unkind and unwelcoming to illegal immigrants and the LGBTQ community -- both of whom, she said, were fearing for their lives.

Sure. You bet, Budde.

I clearly recall how, in his first term, Trump mandated the slaughter of undocumented immigrants and members of the LGBTQ community. A Holocaust worthy of, you guessed it, literally Hitler.

Budde took it upon herself to attack a duly elected president, from the altar, during the inauguration service, thereby also attacking the majority of the American people.

The radical woke penetration of mainline Western religions has led to their flocks fleeing, and, ironically, a resultant increase in secularism, agnosticism, and atheism, which, in turn, allows ‘wokeism’ to flourish. A ‘doom loop’ if ever there was one.

Few churches now stress — or even mention -- the Old Testament, as it appears more demanding and less forgiving and inclusive than the New Testament. But this was insulting and ridiculous. Indeed, almost sacrilegious. Budde was not seeking truth but was spewing a personal Marxist agenda. She was not humbly disseminating God’s teachings but was touting her ‘own truth’ and agenda.

She was piously virtue-signaling, letting her audience know that she is morally superior to them. The first female in her position, she was stating, “I am female, hear me roar,” albeit in a nasal voice.

Ignoring many of the Bible’s most pertinent passages and tailoring her message to make her -- and those who share her beliefs and predilections — feel better, Bishop Budde was really supplanting God via her ‘message,’ perhaps believing that she is the one deserving of worship. After all, wouldn’t a male God be part of the patriarchy?

Toxically masculine? Part of the problem?

Leftists -- of any age, gender, or sexual orientation — believe in only one religion … and it isn’t Christianity. Their one true God is … themselves. No Second Coming or Rapture for them. Remember, back in 2008, Obama said, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”


It is once again time to fundamentally transform America.

Back to a God-fearing, truth-seeking nation of hard working and courageous citizens who reside in a country with a limited government of, by, and for the people that respects the rule of law.

Can I get an ‘Amen?’

Image: Screen shot from PalmBeachPost video, via YouTube

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