Disney continues on its suicidal path with a Captain America who hates America
In the Golden Age of Hollywood, studios kept a tight leash on their stars. No matter how bizarre, debauched, or anti-American the star was, the studio publicity departments ensured that the people who paid for movie tickets saw the stars as wholesome, intelligent, and patriotic.
After the debacle of Rachel Zegler’s solo press appearances for the new Snow White movie, one might think that Disney had learned that its actors aren’t safe when left to play on their own. But, noooo. This time, Anthony Mackie, the star of Disney’s newest Captain America movie, let the world know that he has nothing but disdain for America.
I must admit that I have no independent knowledge about Captain America and had to learn it by looking up the character on Wikipedia. What I learned is that Timely Comics published the first Captain America cartoon in 1940 as a rival to Superman.
Image (edited) by Fotor.
Joe Simon, a Jewish artist, determined that Captain America would be created as Hitler’s ultimate enemy. Simon landed upon Hitler because he recognized the horrors of Nazi Germany and believed that only America could stop it. Indeed, the character’s initial name was “Super American,” except that Simon believed it was too derivative. And so, he came up with “Captain America.”
Not only is Captain America’s purpose to be the avatar of Americanism, but his background and appearance combined achieve the apex of Americanism. The frail Steven Rogers wanted to join the Army but, when he was rejected, volunteered to be part of a successful experiment to create a super soldier. Henceforth, Kirby’s alter ego, Captain America, would fight the foe attired in a star-spangled red, white, and blue costume with a matching shield. America is in Steve Kirby’s and Captain America’s DNA.
Image: The first Captain America comic. Fair Use (for the same reasons stated at the link).
However, Mackie, the current actor playing Captain America for the Disney Marvel franchise, has a problem with his character’s identification. It’s not just that he wants to universalize Captain America, as the Superman franchise has wanted to do to make that character more commercially viable outside of America. Instead, his statement to an Italian audience makes it clear that he thinks America is the antithesis of all that is virtuous in the world:
Woke actor Anthony Mackie says Captain America should not represent America:
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 28, 2025
“He represents a lot of different things & I don’t think the term ‘America’ should be one of those representations.”
Time to boycott the new Captain America movie.
Here’s the relevant part of the clip before he blathers off about fighting dragons:
For me, Captain America represents a lot of different things, and I don’t think the term, you know, “America” should be one of those representations. Like, it’s about a man who keeps his word, who has honor, dignity, and integrity. Someone who is trustworthy and dependable.
What Mackie could have said was that he loves the character because it stands for honor, dignity, integrity, etc., and that these are traits valued throughout the world. But he didn’t. He said that Captain America stands for those virtues, while America does not.
A statement like that would never have come out of an actor’s mouth in old Hollywood. The movie would have risen or fallen on its merits.
Now, though, thanks to Mackie’s verbal diarrhea, a huge segment of Americans won’t want to see this movie. They’ll oppose rewarding an actor and a studio who have benefitted mightily from America but who actively work to destroy America’s virtues and trumpet abroad their disdain for the country that has served them so well.
With luck, this movie, which cost around $400 million to make, will do so poorly in the domestic office that Disney feels the pain in its share prices. Then, the shareholders, who are the owners and intended beneficiaries of the Disney company, should get together for a nice shareholders’ lawsuit that removes the woke people controlling Disney and returns it to being a family-friendly company that, even if it doesn’t make actively pro-American fare, isn’t a vehicle for rancid anti-Americanism (especially via perverting one-time pro-American icons).