Democrats' only guiding principle is the quest for more power for the government over the people

Nearly three months after the election, Democrats are on a scavenger hunt looking for their guiding principles. 

According to this report in Semafor:

‘Give us a little time’: Democrats search for a guiding principle against Trump

After a rudderless post-election run, Democrats are suddenly showing some fight against President Donald Trump.

Yet unlike the progressive ascendance of eight years ago, it’s not clear who is leading the charge.

“I can’t answer that. Give us a little time,” Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told Semafor. “This is brand new.”

Which is ridiculous.
Democrats actually have many principles and policies.
The problem is that they are unpopular and destructive. 
They are not in search of principles. They are in search of talking points that they can use to mislead the public so they will vote for them.
Most of the media spends most of their time covering up the Democrat principles and policies as they interfere in all elections. 

Here is a sample of the principles and policies that the Democrats work extremely hard to hide:

Anyone who disagrees with Democrat policies is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, or homophobe. They play the race card in every election. 
Democrats believe the rich are terrible unless, of course, they are the rich who donate to Democrats and it is obviously O.K. for Democrats to enrich themselves while they are supposedly public servants. They play the class card in every election. 
As a corollary, they are also indifferent to corruption. Democrats, including most of the media, never cared about the corrupt Biden and Clinton families using their powerful position to collect kickbacks from around the world. 
Democrats believe in health care for all, including illegals, except newborn babies born in botched abortions at Planned Parenthood clinics.
Then it is O.K. to just let these vulnerable children die without health care. Only one Democrat in the House or Senate voted for the Born Alive Act. Democrats vote as they are instructed no matter how they campaign. 
Democrats think people should be forced to buy health insurance that government prescribes instead of giving people freedom of choice. They don't care how unaffordable it becomes. 
Democrats think people who peacefully protest at abortion mills should be arrested but have no problem with pro-abortion people violently destroying crisis pregnancy centers. For Democrats abortion seems to be the only acceptable choice. 
Democrats take an oath to enforce laws when they are elected but they don't believe they have to if they are immigration laws. 
Democrats support soft on crime district attorneys, most of whom were elected because of donations from George Soros. 
Democrats pretend they are the party of women but they don't think women should have privacy, or safety in their locker rooms nor do they think it is OK. to block men from dominating them in sports. Heck, they can't even define what a woman is. 
Democrats believe there are a huge number of genders and that people can continually change theirs on a whim as they pretend they are the party of science. You better not use the wrong pronoun. That is dangerous. 
Democrats believe it is O.K. for children, without parental permission, to have dangerous surgery to mutilate their bodies depending on how they feel. 
Democrats don't believe people should have freedom of choice of what kind of car or appliance they can buy. Democrats pretend they can control the climate with all its natural variables. Democrats are never asked to show a link between our use of natural resources and temperatures because facts are unimportant. 
Democrats seek to destroy companies that produce reasonably priced energy. They clearly don't care how much high energy prices harm the poor and middle class people they only pretend to care about. 
Democrats claim they want all children to get a good education but they block poor and minority children from having school choice when the public schools are failing. 
Democrats seek to destroy for-profit schools, claiming they mislead students, yet never go after not-for-profit or government schools which mislead students. 
Democrats pretend that throwing money at colleges makes them affordable and then thinks the government should pay off student loans when people can't pay the loans back. 
Democrats think it is a brilliant policy to build up Iran, and its terrorist proxies, as they pledge death to America and death to Israel. 
The Democrats overall guiding principle is that a big and powerful government is the solution to everything and profit in the private sector is bad. Look at the policies that Biden and Obama seem to be the most proud of:
Obamacare. They lied to get it passed and they still pretend it makes health care more affordable even though costs have soared since it passed. 
They are proud they voted against Trump tax cuts. They still lie that the tax cuts only benefited the rich and that they cost the government trillions even though tax revenues have increased by trillions. They are actively trying to block the extension of these tax rate cuts which will further destroy the purchasing power of Americans. They don't care that businesses will move or hire fewer people if their rates are saved. 
The American Rescue plan which cost trillions and led to high inflation. They falsely claimed that they inherited a disastrous economy and needed to shovel out this money. 
The falsely named inflation reduction act which is just a green slush fund. 
Dictatorially and unconstitutionally paying off hundreds of billions of student loans to buy votes. 
Trump, on the other hand, loves the private sector. He wants the people and businesses to keep more of their own money and encourages private businesses from the U.S. and around the world to invest in America. He knows that capitalism is what has made America the most powerful and wealthiest country in the world, not big government and keeping the poor dependent on the government. 

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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