Axios: Republicans control 60% more of the state lawmaking bodies than Democrats
Alex Fitzpatrick writing for Axios reported today that in the wake of the November elections, “Republicans are set to control the legislative process in nearly twice the number of states as Democrats in 2025.” Per Fitzpatrick, Democrats have control in 15 state lawmaking bodies, while Republicans have command in 24—the other 11 states are either “split” control states, or the unique case of Nebraska with its unicameral structure. The difference between the Republican and Democrat control? Republicans control 60% more of the states than the Democrats. Yet, things are as purple, socialist, and communist as ever.
Now, of those 24 Republican legislatures, by my count, 22 states also have Republican governors (Kentucky and Kansas being the outliers). That means 22 states, or almost half of the nation, should be able to swiftly secure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and property for their citizens…at least in theory anyway!
As we conservatives are painfully aware, Republicans having a majority isn’t the windfall that Fitzpatrick insinuates it is, because he’s failing to accurately analyze the situation. Those “red” states just means the voters voted for Republicans over Democrats, but that doesn’t ever really get us our conservative limited government principles (the threat that Fitzpatrick implies) we’re voting for now does it?
Because, we aren’t actually a democracy, as the establishment media falsely and routinely asserts—instead, lawmaking happens through elected representation, and Republican politicians are the most lowbrow caitiffs in American politics. All too familiar is the reality that Republican politicians prove to be some pretty good gatekeepers when it comes to honoring the foundational principles of American society and government.
Does anyone expect any of these 22 states to outlaw the slaughter of babies in the womb?
Does anyone actually think these legislatures will follow Oklahoma’s lead and pass a law to prohibit “red flag” firearm seizures?
Does anyone believe that these states will grow a pair and forbid federal agents from targeting and harassing their people?
Will any of these states slash taxes and spending?
Of course, those were all rhetorical questions.
I’m a firm believer in the idea that we have to get our own house (Republican Party) in working order before we can take on fixing someone else’s house (Democrat party). It’s like the old saying, “don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.” Well, definitely don’t bring a dull knife to a gun fight—and that’s what the Republican party and its politicians are, a dull knife, and there is no shortage of examples: Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake, Martha McSally, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, Mike Johnson, etc.
Our instrument or protection against progressive leftist tyranny is totally useless—we’re the Democrat party lite for heaven’s sake!
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.