An 1812 Overture? Britain to fall … or rise again and help the West survive?
England has done some great things for the world, from fostering freedom, democracy and the rule of law, to ending slavery, to helping the world fight monstrous tyranny in the 20th century.
But England is now succumbing to another form of tyranny and is sadly forgetting who she was.
Which way will the Brits go? Whither Britain? What will it be, chaps? The world waits with bated breath.
Memo to the British: It is time to turn around your lengthy decline. Don't do it for anyone else. Do it for yourselves. The United States recently took a big step towards righting itself. Now it is your turn. Disraeli, Churchill, and Thatcher wait in silence to lead you all home. Though many of you disdain him, it would behoove you to look at the accomplishments of Donald J. Trump. (The ‘J’ must stand for Jackson, as in Andrew Jackson, as Trump has the same dauntless demeanor, fighting spirit, and passion for America.) Brits, we've kicked your butts twice (the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812) and saved your butts twice (WW I and WW II), but it's up to you to save yourselves this time.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer? How does a nation go from Disraeli and Churchill to May and Starmer?
In Churchill’s day, women and children took to underground bomb shelters at night to seek protection from the German bombardment.
Today, women, and especially children, are raped and branded in broad daylight in many English towns. The vast majority of the perpetrators are young Muslim immigrant men.
Despicably, the ‘authorities’ cannot yet be roused to do anything about it. London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has essentially stated, “Well, that’s just part of living in a large, vibrant and diverse world city.”
Excuse me?! Islam directs that infidels are to be either converted, enslaved, or killed!
And so, the British have a choice: stiffen up or go down. Salvage their Christian heritage or become part of a new Muslim caliphate.
Churchill would know what to do, which path to take, which option to choose. And, in truth, there really is only one choice: sink or swim.
If England can summon its former strength and sanity, swimming should not be too difficult, even at this late stage.
Remember, the U.S. went to war with England before it was the U.S. We took on the greatest military in the world when we didn't have one! That is American guts! That is American crazy! And that is why America still exists.
Churchill: “Never surrender!” Trump: “Fight, fight, fight!”
The U.S.: from George Washington to Andrew Jackson to Donald Trump.
The U.K.: from Benjamin Disraeli to Winston Churchill to … Keir Starmer?! You’ve gotta be kidding me?
Odd that the British helped defeat the Nazis, and stood alone against them for many months, waiting for an invasion that fortunately never came, yet now won't even defend their island, though this invasion has long since begun.
There is a passage in the classic Johnny Horton song, “The Battle of New Orleans” about Andrew Jackson’s troops chasing the British in 1814 that reads:
Yeah, they ran through the briars
And they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes
Where a rabbit couldn't go
They ran so fast
That the hounds couldn't catch 'em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
(Of course, now we’d have to change that last line to “Gulf of America.”)
Don’t surrender now, Brits. Keep a stiff upper lip. America has sobered up. It looks as if Canada might be doing the same.
Make the Commonwealth Great Again! Just remember who you once were. And know that we are praying for you.
Image: Picryl // public domain