Unbelievable: Joe Biden left families of last Afghanistan casualties waiting on the tarmac for three hours while he napped
Last March, a gold-star father whose son was killed in the disastrous Afghanistan pullout was arrested for heckling Joe Biden during his State of the Union address.
Most Americans sympathized with him, given what he went through, and the charges were dropped.
But it turns out the public didn't know the half of it.
This just came out about Joe Biden's mental decline and the big coverup of it from Democrats and the press.
According to the New York Post:
President Biden forced the grieving relatives of Marines killed in Afghanistan to wait for hours while he napped on Air Force One, multiple family members said.
On Aug. 26, Taliban terrorists killed 13 Americans soldiers and more than 170 Afghans at Kabul International Airport’s Abbey Gate in Afghanistan.
The attack came during the final days of the chaotic American withdrawal from the country.
Biden’s reported nap took place during a “dignified transfer” ceremony when the president and First Lady Jill Biden were to welcome the caskets of the fallen soldiers at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.
There's nothing worse than losing your loved ones on the last days of a long war due to official mismanagement. There's nothing worse than standing on the tarmac for hours in the late summer heat, and some of them were probably wearing uncomfortable formal shoes.
What these families went through was unthinkable.
Then Joe Biden came in and it all got worse.
We already know that Biden famously looked at his wristwatch as the caskets of the fallen service members, the men and women who literally gave their lives in service to their country, were brought out.
Got something better to do, Joe?
But now we learn that Joe put his nap first over the needs for the servicemen and their families as a "dignified" transfer of their remains was set to take place.
Real leaders, such as Queen Elizabeth II of the U.K., would never do such a thing, never. The queen was famous for her capacity to "sit still" and preserve the dignity of the office and occasion no matter what she was feeling, no matter how tired, no matter how uncomfortable. Nor would the great Ronald Reagan, nor would any of the Bushes have dreamed of doing such a thing, and certainly not President Trump, who is always cognizant of the occasion and respectful of our troops.
But sleepy Joe, like a toddler, put his needs and comforts first, there was no toughing it out like the queen or the past presidents always did. When Joe needed a nap -- or lid, or vacay -- that came first. That always came first in what is growing increasingly obvious as his unusually selfish presidency.
In doing this, Biden demonstrated that once again, he was beneath the office he held.
He can't be out of office soon enough.
Image: Screen shot from CBS News video, via YouTube