Trump understands that curbing monstrous government spending is what will halt inflation

The U.S. debt is hitting record amounts now.

According to Fox Business:

The $36 trillion debt milestone comes just months after the U.S. eclipsed the $35 trillion mark in late July 2024. The national debt has passed other trillion-dollar milestones in the past year, as the $34 trillion mark was reached in early January 2024 and the $33 trillion threshold in September 2023. By comparison, the national debt hovered around $907 billion just four decades ago.


So the government is borrowing around $1 trillion every few months. The debt went up $3 trillion in around thirteen months.


The government's deficit is another bad picture.
We are told that the deficit for FY 2024 was $1.8 trillion.
So where did the other trillions of dollars go? We seem to have a massive leak in the bucket and yet we are never told where this money goes. Just like we are never told how much all the illegal immigration costs. 
The Defense Department hasn't been able to pass an audit for years, yet no one gets fired.
If they were a private company they would be delisted and the officers may go to jail for fraud but government employees seem to be special. They get raises and big pensions for their malfeasance. 
Trump is going to try to attack the inefficiencies, fraud, and incompetence in government and he will be fought every day by the media, bureaucrats, lobbyists, educators, other Democrats and many Republicans who have been entrenched in the D.C. swamp. 
In the European Union, governments get stern warnings if their deficits goes over three percent of their economy but in the United States we are borrowing more than 10% of the $28 trillion economy and Democrats want to tax and spend even more. 
The massive spending is clearly creating significant problems
Only Trump has any desire to get it under control, and based on his current acts such as the institution of the Department of Government Efficiency to get it under control and cut the fat and waste, it looks to me like Trump is playing chess while his attackers are playing tiddlywinks. 
He also has called for tariffs as a policy tool. When Trump threatens tariffs on Mexico and Canada to secure the border and stop drugs, many economists and other Democrats only multiply out the tariffs to scare the public as if nothing else changes.
Trump recognizes the huge benefits securing the border will cause. A controlled border will reduce government spending on education, medical, law enforcement, housing and other costs throughout the economy that is being squandered on illegals who don't belong here. 
The media and other Democrats say that it will cost tens of billions to deport illegals, especially criminals, but they never cared about the long term costs of keeping all the illegals here. 
When Trump proposes tax rate cuts, the Congressional Budget Office, economists and other Democrats suggest they can just multiply the new rate and act essentially like nothing else changes. Trump understands the multiplier effect in the private sector where the money will flow and create more jobs, higher wages and more growth and therefore more money for the government. 
When Democrats propose tax increases they suggest it will just raise more money. Trump recognizes the destruction that those rates cause to purchasing power in the private sector. 
When Democrats passed the 2,000-page monstrosity falsely called the Affordable Care Act in 2010, they pretended it would lower costs. Trump knew that taking away freedom of choice, reducing competition, and raising subsidies greatly increases the role of government in health care, and inflates the bureaucrat count, too. That subtantially inflates the costs for the rest of us, as we see every year. 

Democrats' sole policy is to have a bigger government and to destroy Trump who wants a vibrant private sector. He is the opposite of a fascist and dictator no matter how many lies the media and other Democrats claim this.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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