So where are the articles complaining about Medicare and Obamacare insurance coverage denials?
Ever since the UnitedHealthCare CEO was killed, we see a lot of articles railing against denials by private health insurance companies. We even see some degenerate people claiming that health insurance executives deserve to get killed.
What we don’t see are articles talking about how many claims Medicare turns down because most of the media are advocates for government run health care for all. Facts don’t matter to the media when they are pushing an agenda.
Here is an article that shows how many claims Medicare initially turns down and how costly it is for medical providers to fight the denials.
Payer Denial Tactics — How to Confront a $20 Billion Problem
The high cost to health care providers to obtain reimbursement from insurers shows no signs of abating.
A recent report from the group purchasing and consulting organization Premier highlights the long-standing problem. It found that:
- Hospitals and health systems spent an estimated $19.7 billion in 2022 trying to overturn denied claims.
- Denied claims tended to be more prevalent for higher-cost treatments, with the average denial pegged to charges of $14,000 or more.
- Nearly 15% of all claims submitted to private payers initially are denied, including many that were preapproved during the prior authorization process. Overall, 15.7% of Medicare Advantage and 13.9% of commercial claims were initially denied.
- More than half of denied claims (54.3%) by payers ultimately were overturned but typically only after providers went through multiple rounds of costly appeals.
The High Cost of Reimbursement
The Premier findings track with the AHA's most recent survey that was conducted between December 2021 and February 2022. In that survey, 78% of hospitals reported that their experience with commercial payers was getting worse.
Moreover, 84% of respondents said the cost of complying with insurer policies was increasing and 95% of hospitals and health systems reported that their staffs were spending more time on prior approval processes. Respondents also said that 62% of prior authorization denials and 50% of initial claims denials that were appealed were overturned.
And here is an article about Obamacare denials while the media and other Democrats brag about how great it is.
Claims Denials and Appeals in ACA Marketplace Plans in 2021
In this brief, we analyze transparency data released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on claims denials and appeals for non-group qualified health plans (QHPs) offered on Data were reported by insurers for the 2021 plan year and posted in a public use file in October 2022. We find that, across insurers with complete data, nearly 17% of in-network claims were denied in 2021. Insurer denial rates varied widely around this average, ranging from 2% to 49%.
If we want top see what the government believes on health care they should just see what Ezekiel Emanual, an architect of Obamacare, said:
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel argues that the quality of human life begins to drop off by age 75, enough, he says, that he will opt out of medical treatments and let nature take its course.
I am 71 and I believe I am a better judge of my quality of life than some government bureaucrat.
While Democrats will never limit what lawyers can sue private insurers for, they are prevented from suing Medicare or Medicaid for punitive damages because they are government programs and sovereign immunity protects the government.
The goal for Democrats has always been to destroy private health insurance and Obamacare destroyed competition and massively escalated costs for everyone as they continue to lie that it makes health insurance more affordable.
On a personal note: My mother was 91 and broke her back. She was in massive pain, and I took her to the emergency room. They gave her morphine and other drugs and told me that I should take her home. They admitted that Medicare does everything they can to prevent admittance because if they are admitted for three days they are liable to nursing homes for coverage up to 100 days. 100% for the first twenty days and 80% for the next eighty days. They didn’t care about my mom’s health or the harm that would cause to my family. They cared about money.
Well, it took me eleven hours, but she was admitted for nine days and in the nursing home for around 50 days before she died.
I feel tremendously sorry for poor people who don’t have anyone there to advocate for them. My brother is a lawyer and I am a C.P.A. We know how to fight.
I would much rather negotiate with a private insurer than have the government control 100% of our health care.
Image: Medicare by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free