Richard Levine wants to dump ‘climate change’ terminology before Trump comes in and cracks down on leftist fantasies and $cience

Richard Levine, the slobby crossdresser who holds an executive position in the Health and Human Services administration thanks to Joe Biden, is calling on the progressive left to dump the term “climate change” before President Trump breezes back into office and cracks down on wasteful, regulatory agendas and spending based on leftist fantasies and $cience; Levine says adopting new terminology for the progressive “climate change” campaign doesn’t signal “retreat” — but it does signal deceit.

Here’s the story, from an article at Politico out today:

Health officials might want to stop saying ‘climate change’ when the Trump administration takes over next month, E&E News’ Ariel Wittenberg reports — that is, if they want to keep working on the issue.

‘As we engage the new administration, I think we are going to need to adjust our terminology and our language,’ Adm. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health for the Department of Health and Human Services, said during an event at the American Geophysical Union’s annual conference last week in Washington, D.C.

As the authors of the Politico item also report, Levine was behind the HHS’s creation of “the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity” so as evidenced, his legacy is not only one of deranged sexual fetishes but supreme government waste too. Per Politico, the office,

[S]treamlined the [Health and Human Services] agency’s response to climate-related health risks, including alerting hospitals of extreme weather threats that could affect patients and encouraging the health sector to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

Of course, one can rightfully infer that the information offered by Levine’s little bureaucratic brainchild was devoid of any factual and logical evidence, but merely a tool to propagandize in the name of leftism—please Mr. Trump, shut it down!

If climate change is really what people like Levine allege it to be, then why adopt new language? Could it be because it elicits derision and distrust? Why in the world might a term like “climate change” do that?

Is it perhaps because y’all have already done this “change the language” thing before? I mean how many times did this existential temperature/weather/climate threat oscillate between global warming and global cooling before “climate change” was the new and preferred term?

As Levine says, a petition to come up with new language that no one would immediately identify as a grift isn’t a retreat… it’s all about deceit.

Rachel Levine

Image: Governor Tom Wolf's office, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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