Gavin Newsom announces plan to renew statewide EV rebates, but moves to exclude Elon Musk’s Tesla

According to a report from GuruFocus and shared via Yahoo News, California governor Gavin Newsom recently announced his intention to renew statewide electric car rebates if President Trump does in fact revoke the $7,500 federal tax credit—but Elon Musk’s Tesla vehicles won’t be eligible.

Why you might ask? Well, Newsom claims the preclusion is a strategic effort to encourage “rivalry” and competition in the market, but the obvious explanation seems like political punishment.

First of all, since when has Newsom ever cared about encouraging market rivalries and competition? Just take a look at what his brand of progressivism has done to the insurance markets in California, both health and property. What about the time that he used his political weight to issue Covid-19 lockdown diktats, but made sure the winery in which he had a financial stake was exempt, remaining open and making money? PlumpJack Winery sure had quite an unfair advantage in the vineyard business for a time.

Secondly, the answer to market rivalry and competition means getting the government out of private companies’ business; it doesn’t mean handicapping one company so the inferior others can catch up—that’s not how it’s supposed to work. In fact, it’s just more socialism—fostering an environment in which everyone can fail equally. Only the government would target a company that’s doing well on its own and seek to undermine its in-the-lead position.

But Newsom has a history of abusing his position. As I mentioned above, PlumpJack Winery, but then there was also the time that he signed the new minimum wage law that included a very strange and obscure exemption for restaurants owned by one of Newsom’s biggest donors, and now, I can’t help but think that he’s punishing Musk for Musk’s foray into and support of the MAGA movement.

Now it goes without saying, rebates are completely unethical wealth transfers from the taxpayers and to the wealthy upper classes—anyone who can afford a brand-new E.V. certainly isn’t struggling to survive. Taxpayer rebates, for whatever the product is, incentivize a purchase to drive the market in a way the government wants. They want us in E.V.s, so they make E.V ownership more affordable and therefore attractive, all while using taxpayer dollars to subsidize the purchase.

Needless to say, Trump is right to eliminate them, and Newsom is wrong to reimplement them.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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