Cuban communists fumble economy so badly that they now import sugar—at $25 a pound

For the better part of a century, Cuba has been under the control of communists and their ideologies, and the previously inconceivable has finally happened—they’ve run out of sugar. Like John Hinderaker at Powerline quipped, “This is like Libya running out of sand.”

Or…like Alabama running out of cotton.

Like Costa Rica running out of pineapples.

Like Russia running out of vodka.

Like Saudi Arabia running out of oil.

Like China running out of rice.

Like the Midwest running out of corn.

Like Afghanistan running out of opium.

How is this even possible? Do you really even have to do anything to get a tropical crop to grow on an island nation with a literal year-round growing season?

According to a new report from CiberCuba, the communists are now importing sugar at about $25 a pound, and have stopped exporting entirely, after a number of “failures” over the years. NEWS FLASH: Communism never works, and it is always a failure. If anyone needs a refresher as to what happens to a plot of land after communists take over and try to grow something, look no furhter than the CHAZ community garden in Seattle from the summer of 2020:

(They immediately went online to solicit food donations, like vegan hotdogs, becuase they were starving” a mere 6 hours into the garden-growing experience.)

Anyway, here is the story from the CiberCuba article:

The Cuban government acknowledged that it is ‘shameful’ for the island, traditionally one of the leading sugar producers in Latin America, to be forced to import this product.

Despite efforts to revive the sugar industry, the sector continues to face serious challenges, including failures in the last harvest.

During the session of the National Assembly of People's Power, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz recalled when Raúl Castro remarked that ‘it would be an embarrassment to have to import sugar.’ He then stated, ‘and well, we are experiencing that embarrassment because we are importing sugar.’

He emphasized that the crisis in the sector is such that the country has also stopped exporting sugar, which was a key component of the economy.

Everything about communism is shameful and an embarrassment—how do you take a flourishing crop and turn it into a liability? How do you look at a hundred-million-dead-in-one-hundred-years record, a death rate rivaled only by global abortion, and consider it a success?

Here’s what Russian-born Michael Malice recently said, via John Stossel:

‘One thing that drives me crazy,’ says Malice, ‘is when people say, ‘Communism works in theory.’ … Everything works in theory. Reality is how you determine how something works or not!’

I built a flying car, but it only theory.

I made an invisibility cloak, but it only hides a theory.

I invented anti-gravity boots, but they only theory.

I created a weight loss pill that makes the pounds just fly off a person, but it only theory.

Stupid, right? Yes, and that’s exactly how asinine the “in theory” claim sounds.

Hat tip: John McMahon, Kolonga, Qld Australia.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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