Closing arguments in Daniel Penny’s trial reminds us (yet again!) that progressives possess not one good quality
The Soros-funded attorneys in Manhattan are throwing all they’ve got against Daniel Penny to see what sticks: race was obviously not a factor, a reality with which no one disagrees (there are no “hate crime” charges), but that seems to be the prosecution’s concluding gambit. Here’s what Alvin Bragg’s surrogate Dafna Yoran had to say in her closing arguments, via a report out at Fox News today:
‘He [Penny] didn’t recognize that Jordan Neely was a person,’ Manhattan prosecutor Dafna Yoran told the jury. ‘He saw him as a person that needed to be eliminated.’
I have to stop right there because Yoran really just stepped in her own ideological bulls–t; if somebody’s alleged failure to recognize that a person is a person makes for criminality, then what does it say about legitimate instances in which somebody fails to give another person the humanity with which he/she is endowed?
A quick inquiry on the FEC’s campaign finance database reveals Yoran is a “Harris for President” donor, and a search of her social media yields fundraisers for “LGBTIQ” cuases—wihtout a doubt, Yoran is also pro-abortion. (If you supported Kamala in this last election, it means you’d rather someone who makes indiscriminate baby-slaughter a central initiative of her campaign than someone the media told you not to like; there was really no excuse.)
While I strongly reject the accusation that Penny disregarded Neely as a person because he restrained him from harming people on the subway,Yoran, and anyone else who supports abortion, are inexcusably guilty of doing just that.
But, Yoran’s stupidity and lack of self-awareness didn’t stop there:
She [Yoran] claimed that Penny ‘was so reckless with Neely’s life because he didn’t seem to recognize his humanity.’ She replayed video of Penny’s police interrogation, where he referred to Neely as a ‘crackhead’ and told detectives, ‘You know these guys, they’re pushing people in front of trains and stuff.’
I’m sorry, but is there another definition of “crackhead” to which I’m ignorant? Neely was on drugs when he died, which certainly adds a different element to the chaos people like this bring to an otherwise functioning society. You’re not dealing with a sober-minded and reasonable person, so the answer to deescalation unfortunately isn’t reason.
And again, a failure to “recognize humanity”? There’s really only one side of the political spectrum guilty of that offense, and it’s certainly not us.
I already mentioned abortion, a reality in which little humans in the womb receive complete non-recognition—they’re referred to as parasites, unwanted, pregnancy tissue, clumps of cells, and products of conception, whose bloodied remains are pieced together post-abortion, joked about as “strawberry jam” for toast, and sold off to the highest bidders in the pharmaceutical industry.
What about the progressives and their assertion that MAGA Republicans are an “existential” threat to the stability of the nation, “democracy,” and life itself?
The viciousness we saw online when Trump survived the assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania? The wicked glee they had when Trump-supporting Corey Comperatore lost his life because it meant one less Trump vote?
Yoran is armchair quarterbacking, with no skin in the game, and it reminds me of the time a Columbus police officer shot and killed Ma’Khia Bryant as she attacked two others with a giant kitchen knife; since Bryant was a minor, progressives actually said the cop should have tried to shoot the knife from Bryant’s hands. (Clearly, those idiots didn’t understand the first thing about firearms or the appropriate way to handle and operate them.)
Are progressives intent to prove to us that they possess not one good quality? Because Daniel Penny’s ordeal suggests so.
Image: YouTube video screen grab, cropped.