Canada bans an additional 324 firearms from public ownership, moves to seize them and ship them to Ukraine

The Canadian government utterly despises the Canadian people.

According to a report out at Fox News today, Justin Trudeau’s government just took dictatorial action to outlaw hundreds of firearms, adding them to the growing list of what the Canadian people are not allowed to have, despite a God-given right to self defense. And, in what should be a shockingly paradoxical turn of events:

Leaders in Canada also said that they are working with the government of Ukraine to see how the guns can be donated to support the fight against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

For Trudeau and his progressive parliament sees it, the fight in Ukraine is all about defeating tyranny—and they arrived at the logical conclusion that defeating tyranny means arming the resisters. Conservatives would agree, surviving tyrants equates to personal gun ownership; like John Rich said, “The ability to have armed resistance to an oppressor is a prerequisite for liberty.”

As you might recall, hard-left Democrat mouthpiece George Takei once unwittingly made one of the greatest arguments for the Second Amendment, or a people’s right to keep and bear arms:

Yet, they fail to recognize the unbelievable irony.

Some might argue that the weapons would go to the Ukrainian military…but who fills the ranks? From NPR last month:

Ukraine’s military desperately needs more boots on the ground. Draft eligibility for men spans age 25 to 60. There are reports of raids on bars and restaurants trying to catch draft dodgers. And now the government has announced plans to conscript more than 160,000 Ukrainians.

Many Ukrainian citizens who started the war in the military are either injured or dead, which is why Volodomyr Zelenskyy is conscripting men as young as 25 and as old as 60, to “replenish [a] huge troop shortfall”.

Trudeau is disarming his own tyrannized Canadian civilians… to arm Ukrainian civilians to fight “tyranny” — but who’s the real tyrant of this historical conflict?

I’m not claiming that ex-KGB agent Vladimir Putin is some champion of freedom and God-given rights, I’m just saying that between the two sides and I had to pick? I’d definitely opt for the aggressive nationalist with zero tolerance for pedophiles and jihadism over the guy that’s selling his country to BlackRock, staunchly supports the progressive LGBTQ++ and abortion agendas, and sends young men to get devoured in the battlefield meat grinder all so he can maintain a flow of cash from Washington D.C.

If they’re both bad guys, one is certainly worse—and he’s got a friend in Canada’s Trudeau.

DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Flickr, unaltered.

Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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