Another skanky Biden pardon: A corrupt judge who jailed kids for long terms on minor offenses in exchange for kickbacks
After spending his entire presidency coddling criminals and supporting Sorosian lawlessness, Joe Biden decided to commute the sentence of the one judge out there who sentenced kids to draconian, disproportionate jail terms on minor drug offenses -- in exchange for $2.1 million in kickbacks from private prison owners who belong in jail, too.
According to the New York Post:
The corrupt former Pennsylvania judge convicted of funneling juveniles to for-profit detention facilities in exchange for $2.1 million in kickbacks had his lengthy prison sentence commuted Thursday by President Biden.
Former Luzerne County Judge Michael Conahan, the jurist at the center of the so-called “Kids-for-Cash” scandal, was among 1,499 commutations the 82-year-old lame-duck president granted in the largest presidential act of clemency on a single day in modern history, according to the White House.
The mother of a victim of Conahan’s disturbing crime fumed upon hearing of his commutation. “I am shocked and I am hurt,” Sandy Fonzo, whose son committed suicide after he was locked up as part of the scheme orchestrated by Conahan and former judge Mark Ciavarella, said in a statement.
Rats like this belong in jail, given the level of injustice they do to young people from their position of respectability and public trust. A sentence that overpunishes a miscreant is just as bad as a slap on the wrist sentence for a bad crime, but in some ways worse, actually, given the injury it does to the detainees' psyches. And to see that in this judge's case, that it was done for big dollars for himself, is unspeakable.
If public officials who'd do this don't have to stay in jail as Joe Biden commanded, then who should have to at all? This horrible judge not only injured kids, he undermined public regard for the judicial system, making everyone a cynic about its intent.
The mystery here is why Joe Biden did it. Sure, it was part of about 1,500 sentence commutes, lots of them extremely gamy, as Olivia Murray noted in her piece about a Chinese government-linked child-porn pervert. But how did it get to the front of the queue? Did Joe get some kickbacks of his own? Does this guy go back to being a respectable pillar of his community, getting his judgeship back? Does he move on over to a lucrative salary in the private prison industry, rewarded by his buddies? In light of Biden's record, why this guy got a commutation when others didn't is not a bad question to ask.
What it does show is that Biden has absolutely no principles, nor regard for the law. That is his legacy.
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